Page 67 of Dark Awakening: New World
Angelica snorted in a very unladylike fashion. "You have more secrets than Margo has conspiracy theories. What's the deal with you staying in this fancy building? Is your new boyfriend that rich?"
As Frankie cast Jasmine a pleading look, she quickly thought of a story that wouldn't sound too outlandish. "The apartment is owned by the Perfect Match Virtual Studios. Lodging is provided as part of the compensation package for those who need it during training."
Angelica looked skeptical. "Why would they do that? People are willing to sell their mothers to get a job at that place. They don't need to tempt them with fancy apartments."
Jasmine shrugged. "They have been investing a lot of resources into recruiting and training their employees. They want them to stay, and there is no better way to do that than to provide them with lodging that is close to the studios."
Frankie looked impressed with her answer, but Angelica still looked skeptical. "Do you work for them too?"
"I'm about to start soon. I'm working on another project for them right now."
"What kind of project?" Angelica asked.
Jasmine smiled. "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to talk about it. The confidentiality agreement they had me sign is a monster. If I break any of their rules, I'd be in big trouble."
Angelica nodded sagely. "Frankie told me about it. It's crazy, but I can understand why they need it. As long as they have no competition, they can have good profit margins, and if they are publicly traded, their share price goes up. They need to ensure that no one steals their tech."
The way Angelica talked about profit margins, Jasmine wondered if she worked in accounting or maybe in investments.
"What do you do for a living, Angelica?"
"Nails." She lifted her hands and turned them around to showcase the small masterpieces that were painted on her nails. "I'm a beautician. For now, I work in someone else's salon, but I'm saving to open a place of my own. Then I can profit from renting stations to others."
"I admire your entrepreneurial spirit."
"Thank you." Angelica beamed. "People don't realize how much money there is in this business." She reached for Jasmine's hand. "Oh boy. You need help. These are atrocious. What have you been doing, mountain climbing?"
Jasmine chuckled. "I think you are in the wrong business. You should be a detective. That was a classic Sherlock Holmes observation."
"Here you go, Edgar." The barista leaned toward him as she handed him a tray with four lattes. "Do you need sweeteners?"
"I can get them myself."
Amy had been flirting with him since the moment she'd spotted him standing in line, and the preferential treatment she was giving him was embarrassing. He was surprised that the other customers were not complaining.
Normally, he wouldn't have minded the attention, and he probably would have taken her phone number and called her later, but not today.
Amy was pretty, and Edgar liked assertive women, but he didn't like how strongly she was coming on to him. He hadn't given her any indication that he was interested, and she should have backed off instead of continuing to push.
"Don't be silly," Amy cooed. "I'll get them for you. The scones should be all warmed up by now as well."
"Thank you."
He glanced in the direction of the table and noted that Angelica had arrived while he was busy thwarting Amy's advances. She was sitting with her back to him, so he couldn't see her face, but he noted with satisfaction that she was indeed blond as he had imagined.
Maybe he needed a break from brunettes.
Jasmine was gorgeous, but the thing they'd had going was over, and the princess was still in a coma, so nothing had started with her yet, and he was a free agent.
"Here you go, Ed." Amy handed him the paper bag with the warmed-up scones and dropped a bunch of sweeteners of all types in the middle of his tray with several stirrers. "Can I get you anything else?"
"Napkins would be nice."