Page 47 of Dark Awakening: New World
"I really need to start learning Earth's language. There are many things that the teardrop can't translate."
The medic smiled again. "There is no such thing as an Earth language. There are many different ones. Even where you come from, there are at least two languages I know of. The gods and the Kra-ell don't speak the same language."
"I see." Ell-rom nodded. "I still don't remember much, but I should have realized that."
"It's not at all self-explanatory." Julian took another sip of his coffee. "If I found myself on an alien planet, I would probably assume that everyone spoke the same language even if my memory was intact. Your memory problem makes things even harder for you. You are like a child learning everything from scratch." He put his cup down. "But just so you know, you are lucky to have retained use of your language and basic skills like self-grooming, using utensils, and all the other things that we take for granted as adults. Some people who recover from a coma, especially after a brain trauma, have to relearn everything, like babies."
Ell-rom winced and put his fork down. "I feel like that in some respects." He swallowed. "Intimacy is the most difficult part for me. Jasmine is a grown woman, and I'm like a young boy who doesn't know what to do. I don't know what I am allowed to do and what I am not, and what is considered acceptable and what is not."
Julian canted his head. "I'm sure that Jasmine will tell you what she allows and what she doesn't. It's her responsibility to set limits."
That wasn't helpful.
"I don't want to be in a position where she needs to tell me that something I did was unacceptable. I need to know the rules."
Julian sighed. "The rules are very individual. What's okay for one person might not be okay for another."
"Can you give me general guidelines? Think back to when you were a boy just starting out. What were the rules that you were taught by your elders?"
Julian frowned. "I was taught that the most important rule was to seek consent, and that I shouldn't assume that consent for one thing translated to consent for other things. Sometimes, a female will be okay with a kiss, but she won't be okay with intimate touching. You need to make sure that your touch is welcome."
"That's obvious to me. My concerns are much more basic than that. How do I know what to do with my hands when she indicates her willingness to be touched? Is it normal to feel so overwhelmed by sensation? What if I get so excited that I empty my seed into my pants? Will Jasmine be mortified, offended, think badly of me?"
It was embarrassing to ask the medic these kinds of questions, but it was better than asking Jasmine or trying to guess.
Julian was quiet for a long moment. "I'll start with your last question, which is easier to answer. Jasmine won't think badly of you if you ejaculate in your pants, and she will probably feel flattered because she got you so excited. That being said, premature ejaculation is mostly a juvenile problem, but then, you are like a juvenile because you lack experience. Jasmine cares about you deeply, and she's a kind and easygoing female. She will understand and not judge you for it."
That was a big relief. "Thank you. That's very helpful."
"You are welcome." Julian took another sip of coffee, probably to buy himself time to think. "As for your specific concerns, I'll start with the basics. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed at first. Your body is experiencing new sensations, and it can take time to adjust. The key is to take things slow and to communicate with your partner about what feels good and what doesn't."
He went on to explain various aspects of physical intimacy, from anatomy to techniques, while maintaining a professional, matter-of-fact tone that helped ease Ell-rom's embarrassment.
"Remember," Julian said, "intimacy is about connection, not perfection. It's okay to be nervous, to make mistakes, and to laugh together. In fact, those moments of vulnerability can bring you closer."
Ell-rom felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He still had much to learn, but making mistakes and fumbling around no longer scared him as much as it had before Julian explained that it was part of the fun.
"Thank you. I appreciate your no-nonsense, nonjudgmental explanation."
"You are most welcome." The medic leaned closer over the table. "My best advice to you is don't be shy, and share your concerns with Jasmine."
Ell-rom nodded and then rubbed the back of his neck. "I also need some information on using my fangs. Bridget explained the different kinds of venoms, the aggressive one and the aphrodisiac one, but I don't know how and when it is appropriate to use my fangs."
Julian smiled. "I will demystify it for you. By the way, did my mother explain what a Dormant is?"
Ell-rom shook his head. "Not that I remember. Maybe she did, and I forgot. I don't really trust my memory."
"That's okay," Julian said. "I'll explain it again."
As the elevator dinged, signaling Jasmine's arrival at the penthouse level, she steeled herself for Margo's news of the investigation.
It suddenly occurred to her that a tiny spy drone's filmed evidence was not admissible in court, but did that matter? Even if Rob and Lynda were married and the evidence of her infidelity was presented as cause for divorce, it wouldn't have changed anything. California was a no-fault state, which in the context of divorce meant that neither party needed to prove wrongdoing or fault by the other spouse in order to obtain a divorce.
When she opened the door to the penthouse, she found Margo in the living room, sprawled on her belly on the couch and looking at the screen of her phone.