Page 14 of Dark Awakening: New World
"I'd like to talk with Kalugal and brainstorm some ideas and see what we can do to take it to the next level. Movies are dying, Kian. The future is in interactive, immersive experiences. That's where we need to be."
There was nothing more interactive and immersive than Perfect Match, but it was not ready for general consumption yet. For now, InstaTock was all they had to work with.
Kian leaned back. "I will arrange a meeting with Kalugal."
"Excellent, thank you." Brandon pulled a Danish out of the bag and took a big bite. Once he was done chewing, he used a paper napkin to clean his lips. "So, what's the next step with the twins? I mean, in addition to staging their deaths?"
"I'm sure my mother would demand that we bring them to the village. She's already told Ell-rom that he and Morelle are her half-brother and sister. The truth is that I'm not even going to fight her over this. Moving them both to the clinic in the village will make life easier for everyone. Bridget and Julian want to get back home to their mates." He chuckled. "They have been creative, with Turner sleeping with Bridget in the clinic and Ella staying some nights with Julian in one of the penthouses. They are being good sports about it and not complaining, but there is no reason to make their lives more difficult than we need to."
Brandon seemed skeptical. "That's not like you, Kian. You still don't know whether the twins are threats or assets. Don't you want to find out first how powerful Ell-rom will get before you move them to the village? We can't have everyone wearing earpieces all of the time."
"Of course. I'm referring to the future after we know everything there is to know about the twins' powers. Right now, Ell-rom doesn't even know what compulsion is, and my mother will have to coach him on how to use it for us to assess it."
Brandon frowned. "Is that smart?"
"If he has the power, he will discover how to use it sooner or later. I'd rather it didn't happen spontaneously. Ell-rom is improving rapidly, but Morelle is still unconscious. She might be the dangerous one. What if she's hostile? What if she has abilities we're not prepared for?"
"Those are all valid concerns," Brandon said. "Perhaps you need to call a council meeting and brainstorm this together."
"That's a good idea. I'll call a council meeting soon. We need to make a decision as a community. But first, I want to see how Morelle progresses. And I want to get a better read on Ell-rom. In the meantime, I want you to work out a solution for faking their deaths."
"Give me a week to make some calls, feel things out. I'll have a preliminary plan for you by next Friday."
The morning rush at the café had subsided, leaving a comfortable lull in its wake. Marina was glad of the break in the hectic pace, humming happily as she wiped down the counter.
"What's that tune?" Wonder asked. "It sounds so lively."
"It's a Karelian-Finnish polka." She smiled. "It's very popular with Finnish accordionists, and we had a lady in the compound who could play it, and we all sang along."
"Do you speak Finnish?" Aliya asked.
"Just a little, but I understand most of it."
"Funny," Wonder said. "It sounded like Russian music to me. I guess the two cultures influence each other."
"We have a customer," Aliya said. "The honorable and admirable Lusha." She made a mock bow.
"Lusha?" Marina turned around. "Dear Mother of All Life, it's great to see you. How have you been?"
"Great." Lusha grinned at her. "Welcome to the village. I meant to come say hi, but I was busy working on a big project, and I didn't want to upset my boss by asking for lunch breaks."
Marina wondered if there was really a job or if Lusha just didn't feel like welcoming her to the village. After all, she and Lusha were acquaintances rather than friends.
"Who's your boss?" she asked.
"Come have a cup of coffee with me, and I'll tell you all about my illustrious career in the village."
The invitation was a pleasant surprise, but Marina had already taken her break earlier.
"I don't know if I can." She cast a hesitant glance at Wonder.
"Go." Wonder shooed her away. "We are not that busy. I'll bring you your coffee to the table."
Not for the first time, Marina got teary-eyed in response to Wonder and Aliya's kindness and friendliness. She had known them for such a short time, and they had already become as dear to her as Larissa.