Page 12 of Dark Awakening: New World
As tears prickled the back of Jasmine's eyes, she kissed him again to hide the pity she felt for him and his sister. What a horrible way to grow up.
Ell-rom returned the kiss, his touch gentle but filled with so much passion that it made her heart race.
It was like being fourteen all over again and stealing kisses with Jason Moreno behind the bleachers.
Jasmine had lost her virginity young and hadn't looked back, but she had to admit that the change of pace was nice, and taking it slow was kind of charming. Why did everyone rush into sex before getting to know each other?
If she had done her due diligence instead of jumping straight into yet another relationship, Jasmine might not have gone with Alberto to Cabo. But then she wouldn't have met Margo, wouldn't have ended up on the Silver Swan, and would never have found her prince.
Shai poked his head into Kian's office. "Brandon is here to see you."
"Excellent. Show him in." Kian rose to his feet and walked toward his guest with an extended hand. "Good morning, Councilman."
Brandon flashed him a smile full of teeth, but it lacked the usual spark. "Good morning, Regent." He shook Kian's hand while doing the one-armed bro hug and clap.
Kian responded in kind and then motioned to the conference table. "Please, take a seat."
"Can I get you coffee, gentlemen?" Shai asked.
Kian wasn't comfortable sending Shai on errands of that sort, but it was early, he had a feeling that his talk with Brandon would take some time, and he wanted his guest to feel comfortable and stay as long as was needed.
He looked at his guest. "Coffee?"
"Sure." Brandon smiled apologetically at Shai. "I should have grabbed three cups at the café for us, but my head was elsewhere."
Shai waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it. I was planning to go anyway. Do you want pastries as well?"
For a moment, Brandon looked like he was going to refuse, but then he shrugged. "Oh, hell. Why not? I would love a Danish."
"One for me, too," Kian said.
When the door closed behind Shai, Brandon leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "You said something about needing my movie magic expertise. Can you elaborate?"
"You are aware that we have the royal twins in the keep's clinic, right?"
Kian had sent all the council members a memo, but Brandon did not live in the village, and he avoided council business when he could, so Kian wasn't sure he had read the updates.
"I am aware. How are they doing?"
If he had read the last memo, he would have known, but it seemed like he hadn't.
"As you know, they were in terrible shape when we found them. It was just in the nick of time. The medical team tried to wake them both up from stasis, but so far, only the prince has woken up. He had lost his memory and didn't even remember his name until two days ago. The team is slowly bringing them both back to health, and the prince is about to start physical therapy."
"What is his name?" Brandon asked.
"His name is Ell-rom, and his sister's name is Morelle. He only remembered both their names after he was brought into her room. Seeing her triggered the recollection. They seem very close, and he feels responsible for her."
"That's natural." Brandon uncrossed his arms. "What about the immense powers that he was supposed to possess?"
Kian smiled. "For now, he seems as harmless as a kitten, and I'm positive that he's not pretending, but I wouldn't be surprised if those powers manifest once he gets physically stronger and regains his memory. It could also be that the sister is the dangerous one."
"I assume that you have guards stationed near the clinic."
Kian nodded. "Two Guardians and two Kra-ell hybrids are manning the security office at all times. I have them working in shifts and monitoring the surveillance cameras from the clinic. That way, the prince doesn't feel like he's a prisoner under guard, which my mother would have never approved of, but I don't need to worry about his powers suddenly manifesting, either. Also, everyone wears the compulsion filtering earpieces around him."