Page 42 of A Smooth Operator
"So, what did you see?" Petal asked all curious ears.
Kate snuggled into Kenneth, her fiancée's embrace. "Please tell me it's something juicy 'cause I'm so bored."
Marina looked around to make sure that she had everyone's attention. "So, I was at the CVS on Union, and who pops in but Miss Poopy Pants. She goes to the pharmacy desk, and she doesn't see me," she raised her voice excitedly. "She asked for a Plan B."
My heart stilled. Fuck! I didn't use a condom with her the last time we were together. The time when I stayed the night with her. Fucked her half asleep. It was some of the best sex I'd ever had. It had been magic. I knew in the morning when I took a shower, I didn't use a condom. Like a gentleman, I wanted to ask her about it, but like a coward decided she was a grownup, and she could figure it out. Apparently, she had and with Marina in the audience.
"Who do you think she's sleepin' with?" Lani's eyes were huge.
Fuck! Did anyone know? Had anyone seen me at her place? That would be a fucking nightmare.
"You think it's Dr. Martin?" Marina wondered.
I don't fucking think so. The guy touches her, and that's the last thing he'll touch.
"Why the hell are you so curious about who she's sleeping with?" I scolded. "Why the fuck are we even talkin' about her?"
"Oh, stop it, Remi," Lani waved. "You think she's a hanger-on. You always say so."
"And you think she's fat," Marina accused me.
She's not fat. She's curvy and sexy as hell. She has the best tits in the world, and her ass is heaven.
"So, she's plump, big deal," I evaded.
"Ooohh, you have a thing for her?" Marina asked maliciously.
I can't sleep for wanting her.
"Oh, Marina, that's disgusting," Lani chortled. "Like Remi would want someone like Echo."
"I don't know why y'all have a problem with Echo," David snapped. "Petal, I can't hang with your friends anymore, babe. This whole bashing of other people is fucked up."
"Oh, get off your high horse, David," I ground out.
I should be the one defending her, motherfucker, not you. I'm the one she's in love with, not you.
I'd known for a while that Echo loved me. I felt it. I knew it. It made me feel amazing and guilty. I should let her go. But I didn't want to stop feeling the way she made me feel—safe and secure. I didn't have to be anyone but myself when I was with her. I didn't need to be cocky or smooth or strong. I could tell her I was scared. I could tell her I was worried. I could tell her I was tired of pretending to be a Drake. She never judged. She just let me be me. In my world, that was a fucking luxury.
"You too, Remi?" David rose, shaking his head in disgust. "I expected better from you."
"What the hell does that mean? Echo is a fuckin' leech. We tolerate her 'cause she grew up on the estate in the servant fuckin' quarters. She's Dad's charity case." My hands were clenched into fists.
"I don’t think she's anyone's charity case, considering she's a scientist," David leaped to Echo's defense, again.
Stop talking about my woman, you asshole.
"She's a servant's orphan niece. Her mama was a crack whore," Marina scoffed. "You should be appreciating us for how tolerant we are that we even allow her to be around us."
I downed my drink, feeling fucked.
She took a Plan B? Damn it. I should've gotten it for her. That would have been the decent thing to do. I'd let her handle my fuck up. It was my job to protect her, and I hadn't.
"And Echo—" Lani began.
I roared, "For God's sake, can we stop talking about that fat bitch? What's it with y'all? You can't seem to have a conversation without bringin' her up. I'm sick of listenin' about her. She's a fucking nobody. Move the fuck on."
"Oh Lord!" Kate gasped at the same time Petal did.