Page 54 of Don't Fall For Your Grumpy Neighbor
It’s been a week now since Shepherd and I have been officially together. It’s also been the most amazing week of my life. Not only because of the delicious dinners spent together every night or waking up wrapped in his protective arms or even the incredibly sweet way he talks to our son when he thinks I’m asleep. All of those things are amazing, but the sex is life-changing.
Sure, we had sex before, but it wasn’t like this. The kissing, the touching, and the molten hot need. It leaves me speechless and fully satisfied.
I remember listening to Anya and Hartford, being jealous of their relationships. Jealous of the mind-blowing sex, the passion, the love that was clear in their eyes. Now, even after a week, I feel like I’ve found that.
We haven’t exchanged the words, but I feel it and I know he does too.
Today we are having Sunday dinner with his family. The last time I was there it was awkward and I was nervous. This time it feels different. I’m happy and excited to be around the Atwood family. They’ve all been so sweet and I can’t wait to share the news that we’re having a boy.
Shepherd is practically bouncing out of his skin with excitement. I told him that he can be the one to announce it and he kissed me with the most tender, soft, passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. He was so grateful and it made my heart overflow with happiness.
“Hey gorgeous, are you almost ready?” Shepherd asks, stepping behind me as I look in the mirror. He wraps his arms around me, resting his hands on my belly, and smiles at me through the mirror. The baby kicks his hand and we both laugh.
“He knows his daddy’s touch,” I say.
“You think?”
I nod, resting my hands on his. “I have no doubt.”
Shepherd places a kiss on my neck and grins at me. “Hopefully he tires himself out today because when we get home I’m going to f-u-c-k his mom,” he says, spelling out the word.
Our heated eyes lock and I bite my lower lip. “Let’s skip dinner.”
He laughs and spins me around, holding me as close to him as he can with my belly. “My mother would be here kicking down the door if we didn’t show up. They know we’re announcing the sex of the baby.”
I laugh and rest my hands on his solid chest. “Well, when you put it that way, the wait will be worth it.”
He kisses my lips and winks. “Oh baby, you have no idea how worth the wait it will be.”
I pull out of his hold and clear my throat. “If you keep talking like that I promise you, we will not be leaving this house.”
He smacks my ass, causing me to yelp and he chuckles. “We’ll head out in fifteen minutes.”
Once we get into his truck, he reaches over and squeezes my hand, lacing our fingers together. “I know we still have time, but I think we should move in together. I don’t want to miss a moment of our son’s life.”
I blink back tears as I turn my head toward him. He’s focused on the road, but he glances at me quickly with a small grin in place.
“I think we should move in together too,” I whisper.
The surprise on his face is priceless and I can’t contain my laugh. “I didn’t think you’d agree so quickly.”
I shrug, turning my attention to the road just as we pass my favorite house. “We’re together now Shep and soon we’ll have our little boy here.” I rest my free hand on my belly. “We should give him everything, including two parents in the same house.” My eyes stay fixed on the beautiful house on top of the hill as the words leave my mouth.
“I agree,” he says, lifting my hand to kiss my fingers. “My house or yours?”
Neither, I want to say, but I don’t. I know the smart financial thing to do is to stay where we are. “We’ll figure that part out,” I say, a soft sigh escaping when the house is no longer in view.
“You all right?” he asks.
I smile and glance at him. “Yes, just daydreaming.”
“Want to share those dreams?”
“Just thinking of a life with you and our son.”
“I can’t wait,” he says.
We pull up to his parent’s house and he jumps out to help me out of the truck. I’ve stopped fighting him on it. He feels better doing it and I love the protective man he is.