Page 49 of Don't Fall For Your Grumpy Neighbor
The strong sound of the baby’s heartbeat fills the room and I breathe in a sigh of relief.
We all listen in, transfixed by the rhythmic thumping that echoes through the small hospital room. Felicity's eyes glisten with tears of pure joy, a radiant smile blooming on her face. I can't help but match her infectious grin, feeling a surge of overwhelming love and protectiveness wash over me. The fear and uncertainty that had gripped us moments before now seem like a distant memory, replaced by a sense of hope and newfound determination.
Dr. Kass pulls back, a reassuring smile on her face. "Everything sounds great," she confirms, her voice ringing with warmth and encouragement. "Felicity, it seems like your body is just preparing for the big day. Keep an eye on those contractions and make sure to rest as much as you can."
Felicity nods eagerly, her gaze never leaving the doctor's face. "Thank you, Dr. Kass," she says gratefully, her voice filled with relief.
“We could give you a quick ultrasound to see the sex of the baby if you want,” Dr. Kass says with a wink.
“Really?” Felicity asks.
“You’ve been through a lot. Let’s get some pictures of the baby. The tech will be in shortly.”
“Thank you, so much,” I say, excited to see my son or daughter soon.
Chapter 23
A boy. I’m going to have a son. When the ultrasound tech told us, both Shepherd and I cried. He may have also jumped in the air throwing a fist up. The thought of it still makes me laugh.
After we left the hospital, with pictures of our little guy, we came back to my house. He refused to go back to work. I was exhausted and wanted to crawl into bed. Shepherd crawled in next to me and stroked my hair until I fell asleep.
I woke up not long ago and found a note on my nightstand.
I didn’t want to wake you, you need your rest.
I went to the store to get food to make us dinner.
Hopefully, you’ll sleep through, but if not I wanted you to know I didn’t leave, I just stepped out.
I’ll be back. I’ll always be back.
I wipe the tears that escape and grin, holding the note close to my chest. We’ve let so much time pass, both wanting each other, but missing out because of miscommunication. Maybe a little bit of fear too. But now after just talking, that’s all in the past and we’re finally together and his note proves he’s better at relationships than he gives himself credit for.
My hand rests on my belly and I smile. I can’t remember a time I’ve been this happy, this excited about what’s to come. A future with Shepherd Atwood and our son.
I get out of bed and look in the mirror, fixing my hair quickly and applying a bit of mascara and lip gloss. Once I’m satisfied I go downstairs and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge.
The front door opens and I lean against the counter waiting for Shepherd. He walks into the kitchen, carrying a few bags.
“That’s a lot of food for dinner.”
He places them on the counter, before turning toward me. “Your cabinets and fridge were nearly empty. I wanted to make sure you were fully stocked again.” He grins as he steps closer, resting his hand on my belly. “How are you feeling? How’s our boy?”
Our boy. My heart swells at the sound of those words.
“I feel good and he’s starving,” I say.
“Oh he’s starving, huh?” He reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a blueberry muffin. Not just any blueberry muffin, but one from Pour Some Sugar On Me. They make the best muffins around.
“You got me my favorite muffin?” I ask, watching as he puts it onto a plate for me.
“Of course I did. I’ve been paying close attention, even if you didn’t think I was.” He takes the muffin to the table and places it down. “Now sit and enjoy. I’ll get dinner started.”