Page 28 of Don't Fall For Your Grumpy Neighbor
“What are your plans?” he asks, an anger clear in his accusing voice.
I should tell him to go to hell. I should tell him it’s none of his business. I should remind him again that we are not dating. But instead, I find the truth pouring out of me.
“My best friend is coming over and I’m going to tell her I’m pregnant before she finds out from one of your siblings.”
He nods and cleans up the mess he’s left on my counter. “We’ll have dinner together, say around six. I’ll bring over something healthy.”
“What? No, Shepherd. I told you I have plans.”
He’s infuriating. Why can’t he understand what I’m trying to say?
“I heard you, but that’s not going to last all day. Plus, I need to know that you’re eating.” He grabs his few tools and heads for the door. “I’ll be back at six, with or without your friend here.”
I want to scream. I want to throw another shoe at him. I want to stop staring at his incredibly sexy body as he walks toward the door.
“Leave my damn key!” I shout.
I hear him chuckle as it rattles against the side table by my door.
This man is going to drive me crazy and I don’t just mean mentally. I’m wound up now and once again it’s all his fault.
Chapter 16
“I don’t know what the big deal is,” I say, standing in my sister, Anya’s office at the brewery.
“Shep, you can’t just baby proof her house without her knowing about it.” Anya’s sitting behind her desk, her green eyes shining up at me.
Since leaving Felicity’s house this morning, I came into the brewery and haven’t been able to concentrate on anything else but the fact that soon I’ll be a father.
“We should be living together,” I say out of frustration.
Anya pushes her office chair away from her desk, and stands. “Shep, you can’t just expect this woman to be with you because you’re having a baby together.”
“But I want to be with her. I always have. I don’t understand why she’s so mad at me.”
“Well, did you ask her?”
I cross my arms over my chest, already getting into a bad mood. Of course I asked her. Of course I told her how I wanted to be together. Or maybe I didn’t. “I don’t know. I mean, she should just know.”
“You’re such an ogre.” Anya leans against her desk, crossing her arms over her chest. “Nobody can read minds. Especially yours. You’re the toughest man to figure out. Heck, even I can’t figure you out sometimes and I grew up in the same house as you.”
I blow out a breath of frustration. “I just want…ugh, I don’t even know. I just want the baby to be healthy. I want to make sure Felicity has everything she needs. And I want to kiss her.” I can’t believe that just came out of me.
“You need to find out how she feels about everything. I’m sure she’s confused and worried. Having a baby is a lot to think about. It’s life-changing.”
“Yeah, I’m bringing her dinner tonight. Maybe I’ll ask her how she feels.”
Anya smiles wide, going back to her seat, and sitting down. “Now, get out of my office. I have Willow’s birthday dinner to plan. Bye.”
I leave her office more confused than when I entered. When I went over to Felicity’s this morning, I set out to help her baby proof her house, but after standing on her front porch with no answer to my knock, I decided I’d surprise her.
That’s a nice thing, right? Aren’t women always complaining about how the father never helps? I don’t want to be that father.
I want to be the type that goes all in. I want to be there for my child. For our child.
After work, I head to the grocery store to get all the things for tonight’s dinner. I want to make sure Felicity and the baby have a healthy meal.