Page 23 of Don't Fall For Your Grumpy Neighbor
“Felicity,” the nurse calls out.
I stand up, feeling like our moment was rudely interrupted. Shepherd follows right behind me, keeping his hands in his pockets as we step into the room.
“How’s everything? Are you feeling okay?” the nurse asks.
I sit on the table as Shepherd stands in the far corner. “Everything is good.”
She takes my blood pressure and asks a few questions before telling us the doctor will be in shortly. As the door closes when she leaves, Shepherd keeps his eyes focused on the floor.
“You can sit in the chair, ya know.”
“No, I’d rather stand.”
I nod, unsure what to say. It’s strange having him here. Hopefully, I’m not getting an internal exam, or something. That would be awkward.
There’s a knock on the door and the doctor walks in. “Hi, Felicity. How are you?”
“I’m good, Dr. Kass. How are you?”
“Spent my morning delivering babies, so I can’t complain,” she says, laughing. “So, let’s just go over a few things. I see the prenatal vitamins were making you sick. How has it been since taking them before bed?”
“Yes, I’ve been fine since.”
“Great. Eating and drinking fine?” She taps away at the computer in front of her.
I glance at Shepherd and grin because it’s just what he asked me. He doesn’t return it though, he’s laser focused on the doctor.
“Do you have any questions or concerns before I check you out?”
“No, I don’t think so,” I reply.
“Are we going to hear the heartbeat?” Shepherd asks.
Dr. Kass turns her head and smiles at him. “Yes. Are you the father?”
“Yes, sorry. Dr. Kass, this is Shepherd,” I rush out, embarrassed I didn’t introduce him right away.
“It’s great to meet you, Shepherd. I’ll get the exam over with quickly and if you’d like you can record the heartbeat on your phone.”
He grabs his phone out of his pocket and a small grin plays on his lips. “Thanks.”
Dr. Kass measures my stomach and feels around, telling me everything seems to be right on track. She explains that next month we’ll do our first ultrasound and once I’m six months I’ll be coming every two weeks. It’s a lot to take in and I can’t imagine being here that often, but one thing at a time.
That’s what I’ve been telling myself since I peed on the stick—one thing at a time.
“Well, everything is great. How about we listen to this little one’s heartbeat?” She grins at me and turns her head toward Shepherd. “You can come closer so you can get a good recording.”
He moves toward my head and I turn to look up at him. His dark eyes are staring at my exposed stomach and damn if it doesn’t cause those butterflies to return.
Dr. Kass squirts the gel on my belly and I suck in a breath.
“Are you okay?” Shepherd asks, worry clear in his voice.
I glance back up at him and smile. “Yes, it’s just cold.”