Page 17 of Don't Fall For Your Grumpy Neighbor
“What?” I ask, leaning at the door jam.
“Felicity, you look beautiful today,” he says.
I shake my head and sigh. “What do you want, Karl? I told you the other night I don’t want you coming around.”
He runs his hand through his hair as he nods his head. “I know what you said, but just because you don’t want me around, doesn’t mean you don’t need me.”
I’m so tired of arguing with him. I don’t sleep well because of stress and hormones. I’m craving things that are impossible to fulfill because it’s sex. I want sex like I’ve never wanted it before and who’s willing to have sex with the pregnant girl? Not to mention, the weight of still needing to talk to Shepherd. Dealing with Karl is just an added stress I don’t want or need.
“Karl, I have enough on my plate. I’m asking nicely for you to stay away. If you can’t do that, I’ll give you a gentle reminder of why it is we are no longer together.” I put my finger on my lips as I look up. “Who was the one left at the altar in a wedding dress?” I narrow my eyes and pin him in my angry gaze. “That sure as hell wasn’t you. Now please leave, Karl.”
He shakes his head and walks off my porch.
I’m not entirely sure what his plan is. He’s the one who left me and now he acts like nothing happened. It’s partly my fault for allowing him back into my life in any capacity, but I was scared and he was there. Now I need to build the walls back up with him far on the other side.
But first, I need to tell Shepherd I’m pregnant with his baby.
A knock on the door wakes me and I sit up startled. I look around and realize that I fell asleep on the couch. This pregnancy is exhausting.
The knocking becomes a banging and I shake my head. Karl is really pushing it now.
I get up and stretch as the banging continues. “All right.” I swing the door open and shout, “What?”
My eyes widen and my heart slams against my chest when I see it isn’t Karl, but a very grumpy-looking Shepherd.
“You’re pregnant?”
Well, I should’ve known. News in this town travels fast—too fast.
“Shepherd, I was going to come talk to you tonight,” I say, hanging my head.
“That’s a coincidence.”
I snap my head up and narrow my eyes. “I was, but I fell asleep on the couch because I’m exhausted all the time now.”
His eyes soften for a moment as he looks me over. I’m not entirely sure why but it makes my pulse race as he takes me in. That’s a lie, I know why. I’m horny and that one night with him was the best night I’ve ever had. Not to mention the last time I had sex.
He’s stirring those feelings and I swallow hard.
“Is the baby mine or that asshole’s?” he asks, his eyes hardening once again.
I flinch back as if he took a swing at me and he might as well have with that question. The sexual bubble I was just in pops and anger washes over me.
I place my hand on my hip and lock my angry eyes with his. “Really, Shepherd? You’ve said a lot of nasty things to me over the years, but this is just plain hurtful. How could you ask such a question?”
He gives a humorless laugh and crosses his muscular arms as he stares at me with those dark eyes. “You’re hurt by my question? That’s rich when you’ve got that asshole here all the time. The same one that left you at the altar in case you’ve forgotten. So, my question has merit and if anyone should be hurt here, it’s me.”
“You? Are you serious?”
He moves closer to me, invading my space and I want to push him away, but damn he smells so good. “Am I the father?”
I search his eyes and swallow nervously. “Yes, Shepherd. You’re the father.”
He steps back and his eyes widen. “I am?” He runs his hand through his hair as his eyes drop to my stomach and slowly rise to my face. “You got pregnant that one night?” He starts pacing my porch, squeezing the back of his neck. “I’m gonna be a father?”
I step out of my house and stand in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. “I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you. I was scared and overwhelmed. It’s a lot to process and take in. So, yes, I got pregnant after our one night together and yes, you are the father. But, I don’t need your help. You’re not obligated to do anything. I have a plan that I intend to see through and it doesn’t include anyone but me.”