Page 7 of Hayes
“For both of us.” Taking a deep breath, she continued. “What we had was just a high school romance–” She backed away from him as she saw the dangerous glitter in his green eyes.
“Was that all it was to you?”
“Yes," she lied, her heart breaking in two at the bitter look on his face. She just wanted to get away from him and go home. Seeing him again, coming face to face with him, had confirmed what she had feared. She was still desperately in love with him, and that was not going to change.
“If you would excuse me—” She gasped when his fingers dug into her arms.
“You said you loved me. Remember that first time, Camelia? When I was about to take your innocence? You declared your love for me and told me there would never be another. How many has there been since you have been gone?”
“It’s none of your business–”She cried out softly when his fingers dug into her flesh.
“How many? You owe me that, at least.”
“I don’t owe you anything. Please let go of me.”
“Not until you tell me what I need to know.”
“At least three," she lied desperately. “Now, please let go of me.”
He did so slowly, stepping back, his face hard and taut, his eyes cold. “I suppose it was all for nothing. That’s why it was so easy for you to leave.”
“We were little more than children. Words spoken then were not significant. We have moved past all of that, and each of us has a different life now. Please get out of my way; I am sure your date is wondering where you have gone off to. I understand felicitations are in order. You are almost engaged?”
“Yes.” Stepping aside, he made way for her to move past him. “Camelia?”
“Thank you for clearing things up.”
Without a word, she stepped through the open doors and was gone, leaving her perfume lingering in the air.
Walking over to the railing, he leaned against it and took several deep fortifying breaths. He had seen her leave the room and told himself that he just wanted to talk, to get some explanation from her, even though he knew deep down it was not a good idea.
She had moved on long before he did. The girl who had promised him forever had said it in the heat of passion. It had not meant anything to her.
Nothing more than a fling. While he had been frozen in time, unable to move on. Weeks after she left, he had stayed inside his room, not wanting to be with anyone. He had forsaken his friends and spent the time gazing at the photos he had taken of her, of them during the two years they had been together.
They had been labeled the 'golden couple,' not just because of his blonde hair but because of how attached they were to each other. Life had been great; they had been young and idealistic, making plans to be together in the future.
They talked about children and their careers. She would become a director like her dad, and he would take over the company from him. They were going to travel of course, right after graduation, they would take off for Europe and come back in time for college. They were careful, not wanting to add a baby to the mix.
“We are going to enjoy being together before that happens," he had told her firmly. “I want to spend as much time as I can with you. I am selfish that way.”
And she had agreed. When he heard the awful news about her parents, he rushed to her side immediately, ignoring warnings from his own parents when they said he was going to be caught in the backlash.
But he had not cared about that. All he wanted was to be with her, to absorb her pain and assure her that it was going to be okay.
But it had all been a lie, at least, on her part.
Easing away from the balcony, he took another breath. It was time to finally let go of the past.
Plucking the wine from the cooler, Camelia took the full bottle with her into the living room. She had spent thirty minutes getting home blasting the music in her vehicle so she did not have to think.
And it had worked—to a point. It had also kept the tears at bay. A few years ago, she had talked to herself about getting back on her feet and starting living her life again.
That includes no longer soaking her pillows every night as she pined for a man she had lost. But seeing him tonight, feeling him against her, the scent of his cologne, the vibrancy of his body so near to hers, the feel of his hands on her arms had affected her, making her long for him.