Page 5 of Hayes
“Then in that, we are in complete agreement.”
Chapter 2
“You realize I only agree to this because you made some very valid points, don’t you?”
“I do, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am,” Camelia told the giant in the art world with a charming smile. “I understand these pieces are slated for the museum?”
“Precisely.” Jackson smiled at the beautiful woman who reminded him so much of his wife and felt his heart going out to her. The rumors had started back up again, but he was relieved to see that she was holding her own. “We…”His voice trailed off. and he felt the knot of tension uncoiling inside his stomach.
“You were saying?” Camelia was unaware that the conversation in the large space had dropped significantly, and people had turned to look at the couple walking toward them.
“I – er- Christ, I am sorry, Camelia, I didn’t know he was going to be here.”
“Who-” But before she turned around, she knew she was going to come face to face with the man who had been such an integral part of her life in the past. She had prepared herself for it, but somehow it had not been enough.
Steeling herself to act normally and aware that they were being curiously observed, she turned and felt her heart taking a slow dive. He was handsome, breathtakingly handsome. When he was a teenager, he had allowed his thick honey-blonde hair to grow a little past his shoulders, but now it was stylishly groomed and cut to his nape.
His face was all angles and planes, and she recalled teasing him that he could be a model. Dragging her eyes away from him, she noticed the stunning petite brunette clinging to his arms, light blue eyes watching her coolly.
“Hayes and Simone. How nice to see you.” Jackson had no damn idea what to do. He could not very well introduce them unless he would be introducing Simone, which would be the height of awkwardness.
“Jackson.” Hayes solved the problem by turning to rake the woman standing next to his friend with an indifferent gaze. “Camelia, how are you?”
“I am fine, thank you.” The scrupulously polite attitude between them sounded unreal.
“I heard you were back.”
“Yes.” She wanted to get away and fast.
“It’s surprising that you are.” Simone spoke up when it became clear that neither of the men was going to introduce her. “Considering the scandal you left behind.”
Jackson wanted to clout the woman over the head for her deliberately insensitive remark.
“It happens to be my home, and what happened is in the past.” She glanced briefly at Hayes before turning a cool and haughty glance at the woman.
“All in the past. Every aspect of it.” Turning back to Jackson, she smiled at him, touching his arm briefly. “I will just go and have a chat with Jerri and Jason and will be in touch with you soon.” Without looking at the couple, she walked away.
“Well,” Simone huffed, blue eyes blazing. “Who does she think she is?”
“A woman who went through a lot and came out guns blazing.” Jackson gave her a scornful look. “She certainly does not need reminders of any of it. I am sure it’s living inside her as it is.” With a cool nod to Hayes, he walked away as well.
“Hayes, I–”
“Forget it,” He told her brusquely; his evening had already gone to hell. “Let’s go mingle, shall we?”
He watched her flitting around the room, chatting to mutual acquaintances but mostly sticking with Jerri, Jackson, and Jason. She seemed to have forgotten he was there and unaffected by his presence in the room.
While he was so acutely aware of her, he could barely stand it. Even though he was trying not to look at her, he could not stop his gaze from straying to the corner of the room where she was.
He had hated that remark that Simone had uttered and thought it was vicious and uncalled for. She had grown more beautiful, he realized this was something that was not surprising. Her face was round, her forehead high and intelligent. When she smiled, it was to reveal two large dimples and dazzlingly white teeth.
He had told her the dimples and her lips were her best assets, but he was wrong. Her eyes had a depth to them that made one feel as if she was staring into their very souls, and her complexion was stunning.
The dress she had on was some sort of floral material that flared at the waist and hugged her generous bosom lovingly. Her thick, dark brown hair was braided and wrapped around her head, making one aware of her long, graceful neck.
Grabbing another champagne from the passing waiter, he realized he had barely spoken two words to the woman he had brought along with him.