Page 48 of Hayes
"There was an old barn right next to the clump of trees," she remembered.
"It was derelict and attracted all sorts of wild animals, so we had to get rid of it."
"You told me at one point there were horses."
He nodded as they skirted the beaten path and made their way further into the woods. "My grandmother would spend the summer here, and I would be with her for several weeks. She taught me to ride."
She cast him a glance. "You loved her."
"She loved me." He smiled faintly. "She would tell me stories of her life back in Ireland. She came to the States when she was a teenager. She was daring and laughed a lot. That's what I remember most about her. Her laugh, the joy she found in the simplest things." He drew her to him. "You remind me of her."
Camelia's eyebrows lifted. "Considering that she was no doubt as white as the driven snow and very blonde, I find that hard to believe."
He chucked her under the chin. "I was referring to her heart, as big as yours, and her kindness and unaffected candor. She was always looking out for others." He turned her to face him. "Shall we go back inside? It's starting to get nippy."
She nodded and slid her hand through his arm as they strolled along the path that would take them back to the cottage.
"I brought a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon." He murmured as soon as they were inside the living area.
"Let me go and get it, and we can drink it by the fire."
Taking off her jacket and scarf, she lowered herself onto the blanket and removed her boots, wiggling her toes to work out the kinks.
He came back with the wine and two glasses. Pouring it, he handed her the glass and stretched his legs out. They remained silent for a few minutes, content to stay that way enjoying each other's company. Outside it was cold, the wind picking up and rattling the panes, but inside, the warmth offered a coziness that was somewhat peaceful.
"I asked you to marry me several times." His deep voice jarred her out of the euphoric feeling that had enveloped her and had her staring at him.
"You have."
"I am going to ask you again."
"There is nothing in the world that could make me stop loving you." he intercepted swiftly. "I believe I have already proven to you time and again that I am here to stay."
"And I ask you to give me time," she reminded him softly. "I want children, more than that, I want children that we make—that comes from us, and I am not certain that will be possible."
"I already told you that I don't care." Putting aside his glass, he drew her toward him. "I want you, Cammy. And I am not prepared to just be your lover or the man in your life. I want permanency.
The honor of calling you my wife. I want to give you my name and everything else that comes with it. I am not prepared to accept anything less." There was a stubborn tilt to his chin that she recognized very well.
"Has anyone ever told you that you are as intractable as hell?" she grumbled.
A smile touched his sensuous lips, and he felt the spark of hope as he realized she was weakening.
"I believe you have said so once or twice."
"At least let me get tested."
"What will that accomplish?" he asked in exasperation. "I don't care about the results. I want you and I desperately want to be your husband."
"I still want to get tested. I am not asking."
He glared at her for a minute before capitulating. "Okay, fine. I will make some calls."
"Perfect." Putting her wine glass away, she moved closer to him. "I believed you said something about making love?"
"Are you trying to butter me up?"