Page 34 of Hayes
"Because of what she went through with her parents. Being seen with me will start the scandal up again and she is not ready for that yet."
"But you are," she surmised.
"I don't care," he admitted grimly. "She is the only woman I have ever loved and will ever love, and I need her in my life." he shook his head at the look on her face. "I apologize–"
"Why? You are just being honest." Sitting down, she folded her hands on the desk. "I always knew you never loved me, and I never asked for anything you could not give. But I was prepared to accept half of the commitment. I told myself it did not matter, and it didn't–" Taking a deep breath, she lifted her chin.
"Get out of my office, Hayes. If you came here expecting me to be amenable to the breakup, you are in for a disappointment. Just go."
Staring at her for a moment, he turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.
Picking up the cup, she heaved it against the wall, relishing the sound of the fine China crashing. Tears brightened her eyes, and she felt her heart pounding inside her chest. She had lost. To that oversized bitch. She had waltzed back here, and he had gone running to her. Well, it was not over, not by a long shot!
"Will you meet me? Just for a few minutes. I need to see you."
"Is something wrong?"
"No. I just need to see you. There is an empty lot a few miles from where you are. It belongs to the company. Please."
"On my way."
Hayes arrived before she did and sat behind the wheel, staring at the rolling hills and the verdant and lush landscape. They had acquired the land to build condos but were still contemplating that.
He felt drained. He had hurt a lovely woman who had been there for him, and it pained him.
Lifting his head at the sound of the car engine, he exited the vehicle and waited until the car came to a stop. The sight of her brightened him instantly. Moving toward her, he pulled her into his arms and inhaled her scent, his heart steadying.
"That bad?" she whispered, her hands rubbing his back soothingly.
"I couldn't wait until later." Raising his head, he cupped her face and kissed her hungrily.
"You told her."
"Yes." Taking her hand, he led her to his vehicle and opened the passenger side for her to get in.
"And?" She waited until he had climbed behind the wheel and turned toward her.
"She did not take it well."
"What did you expect? That she would thank you and ask to be friends?" she uttered softly. "She is a woman scorned, after all," Reaching for his hands, she linked their fingers. "It had to be done."
He nodded, green eyes hooded.
"I love you," he murmured. "And I would do anything for you."
"I know."
He hesitated, and she watched as he seemed to struggle with what he was about to say.
"My mother thinks I am obsessed."
"Aren't you?" she teased him lightly. "I already told you that when we were teenagers. And possessive. You wanted to punch Billy Grant for stealing a kiss."
"And you let him." His eyes glowered at her. "You wanted to make me jealous."