Page 6 of Harvey
He did not like to be touched; she knew that and only tolerated it from his family. “You are not going to take that away from me.”
Biting off a sigh, he trained his silver eyes on her face and felt the affection and love swelling inside his chest.
They had both taken a chance on him, even after how he behaved growing up. They had shown him a love beyond anything he had ever seen. He supposed he could allow her to fuss over him; it’s not like it happened frequently.
“You are right.” He smiled at her, one hand gently cupping her face. “You are quite the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He grinned as the flush stained her porcelain cheeks.
“Go on with you.” She closed a hand over his and held it there, eyes shimmering with tears. I will let you get some sleep.” She seemed reluctant to let him go but managed to get off the bed and go to take up the towels. I will see you before you leave.”
He did not bother arguing because he knew it would not make a difference.
He watched her put away the towels and leave the room. Rising, he took a few steps until he was in the middle of the room. The board floors had the highest sheen, the pale blonde wood reflecting the recessed lights surrounding the concave roof.
It had been him since he arrived at the manor, and he recalled the first time he entered the long circular driveway and how awed and impressed he had been by the rolling hills and the lush green grass.
He had done his very best to appear nonchalant and bored, telling himself that there was no way these rich folks would keep him for the long stretch. When he was shown into his suite of rooms and told that he could redecorate it any way he wanted to, he did not believe them and thought it was a test.
Shaking his head, he undressed and put on an old sweat and t-shirt in deference to his family. Some of his clothes were still hanging inside the closet, and the place was just how he had left it, except that it was kept tidy.
He was about to leave the enclosed balcony when he heard the doors opening.
“Goddammit!” he swore ripely. “Now I distinctly remember why I moved the hell out of here. Can’t a man get some peace?”
“I am not going to apologize,” Silas said with a grin as he entered the room. “I need to talk to you about something, and now that you are here- “
“I am not here; I am over at my place, enjoying a smoke before turning in, so you can just turn right back around and- “
“It’s important, brother.”
Harvey eyed him balefully, realizing that Silas had inherited their mother’s intractability. There was no moving him if he did not want to be moved.
“Make it quick.”
Settling on the sofa near the fireplace, he adjusted the folds of his robe and started to fidget with the tassels.
“Oh, please don’t be hesitant now.” Harvey’s deep voice rang with sarcasm. “You stormed here without invitation, so you might as well get on with it.”
“I have a favor.”
“Okay.” Pulling up an overstuffed chair, he straddled it and gave his brother his attention. “I am listening.”
“My appointment is coming up, and I want everything to be perfect.”
“Nothing ever is.”
“As perfect as it can be.” He corrected. “To do that, I need to get through the marriage ceremony. That’s the only thing I don’t have any confidence in.” he took a deep breath. “I have been studying the rules and how to perform the ceremony, but I need to finetune it. The only way I can do that is to perform the ceremony.”
Harvey stared at him for a few seconds before it dawned on him what he was asking.
“Hell no.”
“I haven’t asked you a favor- “
“You want to use me as a guinea pig, and the answer is a resounding no. I hate going into chapels, and marriage is not something I am contemplating now. Not until I absolutely must do so. Now, if there is nothing else- “
“It would not be a real wedding- “