Page 48 of Harvey
He woke up the following day sick to his stomach, his head throbbing like someone was using a hammer to pound away at his brain. Shoving the sheets off, he went to the bathroom before everything came up. Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes and fingered his hair.
Giving a start, he shoved off the wall when she came in and handed him a towel.
“Paying for all that drinking?” she asked him mildly. She was already fully dressed and looked as if she had just stepped from the pages of a fashion magazine.
“I usually can hold my liquor.” He retorted, feeling the clamminess of his skin.
“I’ll get you some lemon tea.”
“I have to go anyway.”
“By the time you are through with your shower, I will be back.” She assured him before leaving the room.
Taking a deep breath, he stumbled to the shower installation and forced his leaden feet to carry him.
The hot pulsing sprays did the trick, and he felt a little better when he was out. But his stomach was still feeling queasy, and he knew he was running a temperature.
He also felt weak, as if his limbs were doing an enormous job of bearing his weight.
He had just put on his jeans and was reaching for a shirt when she returned, bearing a tray.
“Tea with honey- “her eyes riveted on the sweat pouring from his face and chest. “Harvey!”
Putting the tray down, she rushed into the closet and caught him just as he started falling.
“I feel like crap.” He whispered, making a herculean effort to stand upright.
“And you are burning up. I cannot bear your weight.” Wrapping her hands around his waist, she took on the slow and back-breaking task of guiding him to the bed.
“I have to go in.” He said hoarsely, sitting on the edge of the bed just as his knees gave out.
“I am afraid you are not going anywhere.” Reaching for the phone, she called down to the dining room.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling your mother.”
“Stop fussing,” he ordered, his voice raspy.
“You are in no position to tell me what to do. Hi. Julia? Could you come up, please?”
“Pneumonia. A severe case.” Jeff was diagnosed as soon as he finished his examination. “I would suggest he be rushed to the hospital, but I know how that will go.” The white-haired man with the pleasant blue eyes told them as he swung the stethoscope around his neck.
“I am not going to any hospital.” Harvey rasped. “Just give me what you are supposed to and leave me to get some rest.” He growled.
“Antibiotics and I will recommend you stay in bed for at least three days.”
“That’s not going to happen.” The words ended in a terrific cough that made his chest feel as if it was tearing from his chest.
“Take this.” Jeff handed him the spoonful to swallow. “You are going to feel worse before you feel better.” He looked at the two women in the room. “Keep him quiet and the room dark. Also, make sure he has lots of liquid.”
“I don’t need anyone babysitting me.” He told them as soon as the doctor had left.
“I have to go to a meeting- “Julia began.
“I am staying.”