Page 32 of Harvey
He was cranky, tired, and horny, and he could not call someone up and invite himself over because he was a married man. The irony was that he could not very well go to the woman who was causing this fire in his loins and slake his lust. She was damn well off-limits, and it was pissing him off. He was in a corner and had no idea what to do.
So, he was in a mercurial mood, and God helped anyone who crosses him today.
He was also distracted, which he should not do in this line of work. He was using heavy tools, which could have caused significant damage if he had not paid attention.
How the hell was she doing? He wondered. Was she still in pain- Hissing out a breath, he laid down his hammer and tugged his phone out. Hesitating briefly, he dialed his brother’s number.
“Hey.” Moving away from the rest of me, he made his way to what was going to be the deck. “Just checking to see if you were up, considering the night we had.”
“I am on my way to a seminar. And yes, Harvey, she is up and has gone to work.”
“I see. Well- “He shuffled his feet. “That’s good.”
“Mother said she was asking for you.”
He felt his heart turning over. “I see.” He repeated. “I have to get back.” Before his brother could respond, he hung up and stood leaning against the wall.
Chapter 8
She should go back. What on earth had allowed her to come and see him? It was late and cold, and he had not been by for dinner. The conversation around the dining table had been cheerful, but she knew they had all been waiting to see if he would turn up.
When the plates had been cleared away, she had allayed everyone’s concerns by telling them she was okay before going to her room. She had spent a few minutes on the side of the bed before deciding to sneak down and at least go and say thanks. She might think much of him, but he had been there for her.
Shoving her hands into the pockets of her puffy jacket, she climbed the trailer steps. He was there because his jeep was parked out in the yard. Lifting her hand, she was about to pound on the door when it was jerked open.
She was so taken aback by the sudden movement that she stepped back, one hand flying to her throat.
“What are you doing here?”
“I-I- “Taking another breath, she rushed on. “I wanted to say thanks.”
Harvey had just passed the window when he saw her walking towards the porch. The very reason he had decided to stay here was standing in front of him. It was as if he could not escape.
“You are welcome. If that’s all?”
“May I come in?” she asked softly. “It’s cold.”
Opening his mouth to tell her that she should have thought of that before venturing out, he stepped back and nodded curtly. As soon as she was inside, he slammed the door shut and leaned against it, arms crossed over his chest.
“How are you?” he asked abruptly, hooded silver eyes wandering over her face.
“Not bad.” Zipping open the jacket, she removed it, the warmth from the inside making her feel uncomfortable. When he made no move to take the jacket from her, she turned to hang it on a coat tree next to the door.
“Does that sort of thing happen frequently?”
“No, so you don’t have to worry about taking care of me again.” She had meant it to be teasing, but his expression remained unchanged. “I should go.”
She stayed where she was since he made no effort to move away from the door. “It’s getting late,” she added lamely. Something about him was making her unsettled. He wore all black, the sweater molded to his powerful chest and shoulders, and his thick dark hair tumbled over one shoulder.
“Why did you come?”
She blinked at him, the question throwing her. “I just told you. I came to say thanks.”
“You couldn’t have called?”
“I-I wasn’t thinking. I have taken up enough of your time- “