Page 17 of Harvey
“I dreamed of my wedding since I was a little girl and was allowed to try on my mother’s wedding dress.” Picking up the shear, she snipped off some dead petals expertly.
“I would parade in front of the mirror, with her veil on my head, and could hardly wait for the day when I march down that aisle to meet the man I love. I cannot believe it has all gone so wrong.”
Pushing back his chair, Silas came to stand next to her, his shoulders drooping in despair. “And I wanted to get a chance to be that man. I know you are four years older than me, but I have always admired you and considered you the perfect fit for a man like me. I don’t know what to say to you.”
Putting away the shear, she turned to face him. “You made a mistake that involves other people. The God we serve is not going to punish you forever.” Taking a deep breath, she stepped back. If you don’t mind, I am suddenly exhausted and have some thinking to do.”
With a nod, he turned and walked away, a defeated man with an enormous task ahead of him.
Locking up after him, Kendra switched off the lights and slowly slid down until she sat on the floor. She was married to a man she didn’t like, and nothing was more depressing than that.
Silas drove around aimlessly for an hour, his thoughts chaotic. His career and calling were over if his brother did not agree to stick with the marriage. He supposed he could always go entirely into the business; his parents would love that. But they would not want him to be unhappy, and that’s precisely what would happen if he did.
Turning around, he headed home and stopped briefly. The gate swung open, and he saw that Harvey’s light was still on. Deciding against going over to him, he continued along the long, winding driveway. Killing the engine, he just sat there, staring at the encroaching darkness.
The idea of doing something else was too difficult to contemplate. He loved what he did, and even though his family might not understand why he had chosen this path, he had known for some time that it was the only one for him.
He had been born into extreme wealth, and even though he was not like Harvey, who barely tolerated status, he saw the money as a way of helping the less fortunate.
He received a stipend from his church and gave it back each time because he did not need it. He Implemented scholarships for young people and dispensed much-needed funds, clothing, and food supplies to needy neighborhoods.
He did not wear rags and loved his suite of rooms decorated to his taste as soon as he returned home from college. His closet was the size of a medium-sized room, and he enjoyed just sitting on his enclosed balcony and enjoying the beauty the Lord created while he read his Bible.
He also enjoys an occasional expensive scotch or bottles of wine from their vineyard in Tuscany. He was a member of the Elite Club with his father and brother and did not consider it a sin to attend the various functions.
He was doing the Lord’s work, and nothing in the Bible ever said it was wrong to enjoy His creation. Everything belongs to Him, and they were put on the earth to be enjoyed. Silas was not going to feel guilty about that.
But the idea that he would step down was the most crushing blow he had ever encountered, and he could not bear to think about it. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and prayed. He had been unable to utter a word since he first realized what a catastrophe he had started. And even now, his prayer was disjointed and halting.
Opening his eyes, he shoved open the door and climbed out, shivering as the wind whipped through the sturdiness of his jacket. Leaving the vehicle there, he climbed the steps slowly and went inside the warmth of the house. As usual, his mother was waiting for him in the main living area, where a fire was burning brightly in the fireplace.
“Hilda said you left several hours ago, and we have been trying to reach you.” Julia noticed his flagging footsteps and the droop on his shoulders as he entered the room. She also saw the pallor on his face. “Darling, whatever is the matter?”
“Is Dad upstairs?”
“Yes, he- “
“I would like to tell you both at the same time.”
“Of course.” Tucking away the awful worry, she preceded him out of the room and up the stairs. “He is in his study.” Leading the way there, she knocked on the door before pushing it open.
“Ah, there you are, son. We were worried- “Gregory’s voice petered off at the look on the younger man’s face. “Harvey- “
Silas shook his head hastily and sank onto a chair before the massive desk. “Harvey is fine, or I think he is.”
Moving quickly to sit next to him, Julia turned sideways, an apprehensive expression on her lovely face.
“I did something–“ He shook his head. “I made a disastrous mistake.”
He jolted when she closed her hand over his. “Whatever it is, we will understand.” She told him gently, almost causing tears to fall.
“I received my ordination letter today in the mail.”
“Surely a cause for celebration?” His father sent him a puzzled look.