Page 14 of Harvey
“It’s called abstaining.” He had pointed out, grinning at the look he got from Harvey.
“You even have a fancy name to justify not getting any. Something is wrong with you.”
He was twenty-four and still very young. One day, he hoped to get married, possibly to Kendra. It does not matter that she was four years his senior.
She was beautiful, well-spoken, and very compassionate. The members loved her, and she was very good with the children. They all listened to her when she told her stories.
And he had seen the hesitant look on her face when asked to repeat the vows. He could not blame her; Harvey could be very intimidating. But she had done very well and had come through for him.
Returning to his desk, he picked up his report and made a few adjustments.
Putting away the dossier he had been studying, Gregory watched as his wife brushed her hair slowly, a faraway look on her lovely face. He knew her and knew that look that had been there when she was in the chapel. She was longing for grandchildren and to see her sons get married.
The ceremony had stirred things up for her again. Pushing himself out of the easy chair, he went to stand behind her and took the brush away.
“Oh.” Her eyes focused on his in the mirror as he started to run the brush through the thick strands. “I was thinking of holding the fall benefit at the club.”
“And for all the years we have been married, you have not lied to me.” He reminded her gently.
A guilty blush stained her cheeks, and he marveled that she could still behave like an innocent person at her age. “I apologize.”
“No need.” Putting the brush away, he sat on the vanity stool beside her. “It will happen eventually.”
“I know, darling. It’s just that they looked so good together.” There was a wistful note in her voice.
“Harvey and Kendra?” He gave her a doubtful look. “I was thinking more about Silas and her.”
“No.” Julia shook her head. “Harvey needs someone like her. She is good and kind and has a certain innocence about her that would suit him very well.”
“I am not certain I would agree with that. Harvey can be very overwhelming.”
“And protective.” She reminded him with an indulgent smile. “And when he finds someone and allows himself to let his guard down, he will love unconditionally.”
“She looked terrified of him.”
“He can be larger than life.” She leaned into him, and his arms came around her immediately. “I want him to be happy, to find someone who will love him enough to take a chance on him. Someone patient and willing to go the extra mile to see that he is happy.”
Gregory stroked her back. “And I know how strong your prayers are, so I have no doubt it will happen.”
Pitching the half-smoked cigar into the brushes, Harvey shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, his expression glowering. He was back from his date and had told a very hopeful Marcia that he was not in the mood and would ask for a rain check.
The passion was no longer there – and it was not something he could force, even if he wanted to. He was going to have to tell her it was over.
What the hell was going on with him? He wondered as he paced the length of the space between his home and the stream. Ever since that damn ceremony, he felt different, as if something was not quite right in his life, which was ridiculous, of course, because his life was good.
He had people who loved him and did not have to dig around for scraps. Maybe a trip to the club would do the trick. He worked hard, and it was time for a break. The fall benefit was coming up, and even though he hated dressing up and mixing with people from his society, it would be a distraction and just what he needed.
Chapter 4
Silas felt his entire body trembling as he sat behind his desk, waiting to open the envelope. He had just returned from a meeting with several church members to see the letter on the parlor table. This was it! He thought excitedly. This was his official notice, stating that he was now a full-fledged minister of religion.
Before telling anyone else, he had closeted himself inside his office to savor the news.
With a broad smile, he reached for the letter opener and slid it between the seal, slowly working until it was open. Putting away the opener, he took out the official-looking document with the church’s letterhead. Taking a deep breath, he started reading, the excitement coursing through his body.