Page 73 of The Prey
Go home, give her space. Let her move on with her life, with her baby and whatever man tried to take her from me.
“Try me. I think I have you beat when it comes to dysfunctional.” I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he crosses his arms over his chest.
No. I can’t do it. The idea of leaving her and walking away for good is equivalent to carving a hole in my chest and expecting to carry on living.
“Fine. I’m trying to do the right thing, but it’s hard. Harder than I thought it would be.”
Drew nods. “Well, yeah. Nothing you really fucking want is ever easy. Sometimes you have to sit in the moment and let the pieces fall where they may.”
I pause and look him dead ass in the eyes. “You get a girlfriend, and suddenly, you’re Dr. Phil? Giving advice and being inspirational and shit.”
He grins while shaking his head. “And shit.”
I hear the slap of bare feet on tile before I catch sight of Bel coming down the stairs. As soon as she sees me, her eyes fill with disappointment. “What are you doing here?”
“Whatever I want.”
Bel shakes her head. “I told you to give her space, and somehow that means come over?”
I swing on Bel, and Drew grabs my shoulders holding me back, his fingers pressing into the muscle. “I don’t care if she wants space. Space fixes nothing.” When she doesn’t so much as blink, I continue, “How much space did Drew give you when you asked for it?”
Drew makes a scoffing sound, and Bel's cheeks flash pink. “It’s not the same, and you know it. Ely is your employee, and you pushing yourself on her isn't fair.”
I bite back a retort, the urge to tell her that Ely sure as fuck didn't think I was pushing myself on her earlier or on the night she had my cock stuffed down her throat. Instead of saying that, I release a long sigh and shrug off Drew’s hold.
He lets his hands fall away, but he keeps himself close. He’s standing here watching me like he thinks I might attack her. She’s my fucking sister. I’d never do such a thing.
“Why are you acting like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like that.” I gestured toward him. “Like I’m going to hurt her.”
“No offense but you aren’t really acting like yourself.”
“So what? That doesn’t mean I would hurt my sister.” All he does is shrug, and I’m more disgusted with the thought of how he could think I’d ever do something like that. “If you’re worried I’m going to hurt Ely or something, I wouldn’t. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to do that. Remember, she lives in my house and is employed by me.”
Bel darts her gaze around the brightly lit foyer. “ I think it’s you that needs to remember that. Plus, it doesn’t really matter what you came here for. If it has to do with her she’s already sleeping. It was only minutes from the time I took her to the guest room, and when I came back to check on her, that she was sleeping.”
Fuck it. All I needed to know is where to find her. If they won’t help me then I’ll help myself. Ignoring both Bel and Drew, I start toward the guest rooms. It takes a second to remember where they are but as soon as I reach the end of the hall and cut across the wing, I turn left and shove open the first door I find.
The room is furnished but dark and empty.
Bel races down the hall behind me. “Sebastian! Stop. Leave her alone; she's sleeping.”
I turn to face her, my heart racing, my stomach churning. I scrub a hand down my face. It's been hard enough continuing to distance myself, ignoring the desire, the want, and need, but this is pure torture.
“Please, Bel. I just need to see her. All I want to do is make sure she's safe.”
She narrows her eyes, the bow of her lip dipping down as she considers what I’ve said. “Ugh, fine, but you have to promise me you won't wake her up.”
I nod. “I just need to make sure she's safe; then I'll go.”
Her face tells me she doesn’t think it's a good idea, but she waves to the other side of the hall toward a door diagonal from the one we’re standing in front of. Relief courses through me, to the point that I hadn’t realized how much I needed this moment. I immediately cross the hall and carefully turn the knob.
The room is dark except for a slice of moonlight that’s peeking in through the curtains. I hold my breath for a moment. Bel decides then to poke me hard in the ribs then points at my face, eyes wide.
“Don't wake her up,” she mouths.