Page 60 of The Prey
I freeze when I spot what looks like a pregnancy test wrapper. What the fuck? The first thing that comes to mind is whether she should even be having kids at her age? I try to calculate her age, but I know she's Sebastian's aunt, not his mother, and his uncle, Sebastian’s adoptive father, was older than her. All of which I caught from conversations with other staff members and Tanya herself in passing. It doesn't’s none of my business. I trash the tissue and the wrapper, then notice some dust on the edge of one of the vanity drawers.
I go back into the other room to grab a clean rag and have to squeeze by Marcus's gorilla-sized frame.
“Excuse me,” I murmur, but it comes out like fuck off.
He leans against the doorjamb to take up more space once I pass.
I turn my back to him and swipe the dust on the drawers, opening the top to make sure I get around the edges. I’m both stunned and confused by what I find there, and my lungs tighten from the effort it takes not to breathe. There's a pregnancy test pressed to the edge of the drawer, tucked face in like she's trying to hide it.
One, that's super unsanitary since her makeup is in here, too, but I can't resist. Shock gives way to curiosity, and I flip the test over to see the result.
Oh shit. Marcus, the asshole, is going to be a father...poor kid.
I move to flip the test back over where I found it and accidentally send it sliding.
The door banging against the wall behind me scares the ever-loving shit out of me, and I jump, snatch up the test, and shove it into my pocket. If he gives me a minute of privacy, I can replace it where I found it, and no one will know.
The door, however, wasn't Marcus lunging at me, like my brain so helpfully supplied in my imagination, but is instead Bel. She stands in the doorway, her shoulder nearly pressing into Marcus's chest.
“Hey, girl, I was looking for you.” She smiles, her blond messy bun bobbing as she folds her arms across her chest.
I close the drawer behind me and face her fully, smiling back. My heart slowly eases out of my throat and back down to where it belongs. “What's up? You need your toilet cleaned, too?”
It's a joke, but when the words are out, it feels more like I'm complaining.
Her smile slips away, and I know she can tell something is wrong. “You okay? What's up?”
I shake my head. “It’s just been a weird day, and I don't like to be surveyed while I work.”
She tilts her head back to look up at Marcus who has refused to get out of her way, or move a muscle. “Can you give us a minute?”
He glares daggers at her, and I doubt he would be looking at her like that if Drew was in the room. “No, I'm doing my job.”
Bel smirks. “As far as I can tell, your job includes carrying overpriced luggage and fucking your boss...neither of which needs to be done right now.”
“You’re lucky…” he snarls and walks out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, knocking Bel to the side as he goes.
“Yeah, and so are you. Because if I told my brother you’re trying to intimidate his staff, your ass would be canned.”
“Ooo, I’m so scared,” he taunts.
She rolls her eyes and steps closer to me. “That guy needs his ass beat. Has he been messing with you for a while now? I’m not joking about telling Sebastian. If he’s giving you a hard time, I’ll talk to him about the ogre.”
I sigh. “No, today’s the first time he’s ever done this. I’m okay. I’m just tired. It feels like all I’m doing is working or going to school.”
She reaches for my hand, but I jerk away and then hold my hands up so she can see the latex gloves I'm wearing.
I strip them off, trash them, then wash my hands in the sink. “What did you need?” I ask as I meet her eyes in the mirror.
She shakes her head. “Nothing important. I kind of want to drag you out of here and force you to have some fun. Sebastian is giving you time off, right?”
I shrug. “Yeah, he is. If only Tanya understood I'm not a twenty-four-seven staff member, then I could actually enjoy it. Maybe I need to leave the house on my off days.”
As I say it, I know I can't, not with Yanov running around, knowing where I am and who I'm with. I'll never feel safe out there alone.