Page 7 of Bulletproof Baby
The motion of his fingers combines with the light squeeze of my nipple between his lips. The way Valentino's tongue laps over my breasts while coaxing another orgasm out of me sends a myriad of sensations coursing over my body.
Heights of delirious bliss keep me in a state of euphoria while Valentino slips his fingers out of me and nudges his cock into me. It's a smooth glide and stretch as he pushes deeper, forcing my back to arch into him.
"That's right, Lia. Let me inside of you." His voice is somber, brimming with lust as he brings his arms underneath my back to grab me by the shoulders. The first thrust is slow, methodical, and lets my body adjust to him. His size, the length, the weight, the power.
"Fuck." I curse with an exhale as Valentino quickens his pace. All I can hear are the sounds of my body coming for him.
This feels amazing. This is a feeling like nothing I could ever achieve on my own. Valentino is a master of his body and mine, breaking down my walls of apprehension to let me be myself as he whispers in my ear.
"You're so fucking tight. Fuck me, you feel good." His voice comes in gruff, coarser and faster with his breaths as we move together in unison. Our bodies fit together like we were always meant to be this way.
The closeness between us is intense to the point I close my eyes until I feel the breeze of his body pulling away from mine. His chest muscles flex, abs rippling down his torso as he pushes my thighs back, spreading me wide to give himself room to maneuver. I should have stretched, as Valentino pushes down on the back of my thighs, my knees moving closer to the mattress. The speed of his cock pounding in and out of me draws out another climax.
One after another, Valentino commands my body to reach several points of pleasure that my mind can barely comprehend. The sensitivity of every inch of my pussy has me on edge. When he flicks my clit with his thumb as he brings himself to orgasm, I'm ready to convulse. My entire body shakes with our last climax together.
It's only in the still of the night, lying in Valentino's arms, that I understand why people obsess over the act. It's all I can think about and it makes his words from earlier ring loud and clear.
“I don't have the time to be obsessed with you.”
Those are the words, and they strike fear in the back of my mind because what if that means I never get to feel him inside of me ever again? I already regret agreeing that my virginity be something to get rid of because I'll have to admit that Valentino's right. He was right in warning me to be careful what I asked for. He told me what he didn't want.
I don't want anything or anyone else but him. Yet, I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg for his sexuality. I wonder how dark it gets, how deep he'll pull me into the depths of depravity where I'll be happy to follow him over a cliff of ecstasy.
Exhaustion consumes me as sleep drowns out my desires. I'm at war with the fantasies of what I want in the future, or taking whatever Valentino gives me now.
He gives me mind-blowing, body-shaking, back-bending orgasms throughout the entire weekend until Sunday night rolls around. It's time for us to go back into the city, back to the reality where we become strangers all over again, but this time, I have nothing left to offer Saul Caputo.
The drive back to the city is quiet. The pain blooming from the center of my chest, feeling like I'll never have Valentino inside of me again, is enough to make my eyes water. I'm not ready to let it go, but it's all I asked for and it's all I promised him.
"Are you sure you want me to drop you off here?" Valentino asks as we pull up at the Saint Bartholomew's construction site.
It's crazy to think how fast life changes in the matter of days, hours. Forty-eight hours ago, I agreed to attend an auction for the sake of my parents, and now? I'm here again. The desperation to rid our family of Saul is wavering, but I want to think of something, anything, to keep Valentino around.
"This is fine, really," I tell him. "Thank you, Valentino. For everything, this weekend, your patience with me. I, uh, I enjoyed myself. We should do it again."
The words come out, but his look gives me a warning that he won't say. He doesn't have the time. Instead of replying, he gets out of the car, walking around to open the door for me, but stops when the sound of something crashing grabs our attention.
"What was that?" I ask him. My eyes scan the street, but there's no one here but us. My car's on the construction lot. It's behind a locked gate. However, the gate is open wide enough for someone to slip inside, which sends my heart racing.
"Is anyone working at the site tonight?" he asks, holding his hand up to keep me beside the car.
"On a Sunday night? No. No one is supposed to be here," I whisper and pull out my phone. My parents don't answer and I can't get a hold of our foreman, Pattie. "No one's picking up."
"Stay here," Valentino commands as he walks around to the trunk of his car. The sound of him loading a gun sends my pulse through the roof. He turns to me and gestures toward my phone, saying, "Call the police."
The bad vibes I get driving up to the construction site on a Sunday night are enough to make me reconsider Lia's directions to drop her off. The last thing I want to do is call the police, but I can't risk being who I am in front of her. It's bad enough I let her convince me so easily to give in to her other request. A weekend of sexual bliss at the beach, waking up beside Lia, inside of Lia, and replaying the memories for the foreseeable future are enough of a distraction.
Someone's moving around in the long trailer and they're not bothering to be discreet about it either. My eyes dart to every opening that leads onto the site. The massive gate for trucks and equipment is roped shut with a chain, but the padlock dangles from the hook where someone cut through it. I move toward it with my gun in a position to fire. There isn't a guard on duty or any kind of electronic alarm system in place.
What kind of site are they running?
Nine-millimeter, long slide, a seventeen-round clip fits inside the handle of the black steel firearm with a grip that feels as perfectly molded to my hands as Lia's sweet ass. This is what I'm talking about when I mean she's a distraction. I want to charge into this trailer, kill the intruder, and then fuck her over the desk as a reward for getting the job done.
After taking a deep breath, I slowly make my way closer to the trailer. There's a flashlight beam moving behind the windows, and before I can get a closer look, the door bursts open. I raise my arms, gun pointing at the door. Some asshole wearing a ski mask stops in his tracks. The shock is obvious; they weren’t expecting anyone.