Page 52 of Bulletproof Baby
"I'm sorry, Valley," Hera says.
Before she can say anything else, I hurl the beer bottle at the tiled island, shattering it and scaring everyone but my father. He's indifferent to my temper, and rightfully so.
Shayla gets up to clean it and I hold my hand up to stop her. "Don't. I'll do it. Hera, don't you dare call me that. You need to leave. I don't have anything for you."
"Please, Don Barrone. I'm begging you. This is La Familia business, not just family business." Hera pleads and I stop moving toward the mess I just made.
"What are you talking about?" I ask her.
Hera shrinks away as she mumbles the words, "I need money and a favor."
"You've got to be kidding me. The set of balls on you." I point at her and Pop laughs in agreement with a nod.
"I told her, Val. But you know your mother, her heart's in the right place. She believes every sob story, including whatever this strega told her."
"I'm no witch, Ozzie?—"
My father's hand comes down on the table hard. "He may have a temper, but I have a gun. You're only here because my wife allows it. You speak to me again like we're familiar and I'll put a bullet between your eyes and sink you in the pond while you're still breathing."
Pop takes a sip of his beer. His tone is a clear reminder to Hera and Shayla that he used to be Don Barrone. The calmness of his demeanor returns effortlessly as he offers a smile to Shayla with a delicate stroke to the top of his wife's hand. The love in his eyes is what I miss about Lia. It hurts to think about her, and now with this demon invading my Sunday afternoon, I'm forced to think about what my life is missing.
"Please, Don Barrone, Vincenzo Catania has been trying his hardest to move to New York since Chicago isn't safe for him anymore. He takes his frustrations out on me, the woman who gave you life. I need a sanctioned hit against him, and I need ten grand to pay the guy to do it," Hera spits out.
That pisses me off.
I can't stop myself from gripping Hera by her arm, pulling her out of her seat.
Shayla speaks up immediately. "Valentino! No."
I hold my hand up and pat her down to see if she's wearing a wire.
"Not only have you violated this household, but you've solicited me to pay for a contract killing? Against a made man? Are you fucking delusional?" I ask Hera. "Get the fuck out of here. Out of my sight. You stay away from Shayla, Cecilia, Pop, and me, and anyone related to me. Get the fuck out. NOW!" I barely recognize the boom of my own voice kicking Hera off the property.
Hera's shaking with fear as her face reddens with tears before she turns to leave. I wait and watch to make sure she leaves through the gate and not through the house. She's liable to steal shit too.
I turn to Ma and Pop. "Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell did she tell you to weasel her way into Sunday dinner?"
Shayla's face is buried in her hands as she cries. "She said she was moving back to New York with your half-sister who's pregnant and wanted a reference and down payment on a house. I'm so sorry, Valentino. I didn't know."
My shoulders slump and I wonder what angel's ass did my father have to kiss to land this beautiful woman as a wife. I walk over to her, kneeling beside her to wrap my arms around her torso.
"You sweet, sweet, gullible woman. I love you. My father doesn't deserve you."
"Ay, I'm right here, Valley," Pop says with a snicker and shake of his head.
"You're an angel, Ma. I need to get some air," I tell her. "I'll be back in a few hours."
"We're already outside, boy." Pop calls out after me.
I'm already walking to my car when I see the black SUV pull up at a breakneck speed. Armande hops out just as Hera walks over to a Range Rover. She's probably lying about why she needs the money anyhow.
"What the hell is going on?" I ask Armande, who seems to be out of breath.
"Why aren't you picking up your phone?" he shouts. "Lia's back."
The words punch me in the face like a freight train.
"We gotta go," Armande says. "She's in labor. She's having your baby."