Page 20 of Bulletproof Baby
"We spoke to a lawyer," I tell her. "Valentino gave us the number to one of his best attorneys. He's trying to help us. I won't betray him."
"You have no idea who Don Barrone truly is!" Ma shouts. "Why is your loyalty to him and not to us?"
That angers me, causing me to lash out. "Why is your loyalty to Don Caputo and not to me?! You serve me up on a platter every fucking time because it's easier for you to swallow than simply taking responsibility for your actions. Your actions that I'm forced to pay for over and over again!"
I storm out of the office and head toward my car, which gives me pause. Tears stream down my cheeks as I think of all they've given up to make this business work. From the people they employ weekly to making sure I have everything I need; it all forces guilt to wash over me. Why do I feel ungrateful when they're the ones pimping me out?
It's not that simple.
"Lia, honey, I'm sorry," Pop calls out as I get into my car. "I'm torn between protecting you and protecting your mother. I'd gladly do anything it takes to make sure this family and this business survive. If we have to start over from scratch, we'd never make it."
I can see the turmoil riding my father's face. I understand that signing over the business they've built over the past twenty-five years would crush them. In comparison, my virginity, time, and integrity are a cheap price to pay. Instead of continuing the debate, I start my car to head home.
The rest of the day blurs into the next. The time passes, and I'm left to choose what to wear to Kings tonight. There's a part of me that doesn't want to look too good or else I'll tempt Saul into taking what he wants. As if what I wear will stop that animal. I could be covered in garbage and if he wanted me, he’d take me. I force myself to focus on my wardrobe. I should at least enjoy what I’m going to wear. However, it's Kings. The members-only club for influential businessmen calls for me to look my best.
My heart flutters as my reflection catches my eye. The sleeveless, backless, mini dress is simple, turquoise, and shimmers in the light. I pair it with silver stilettos that will make men weep for not having someone like me in their life. I have to laugh to stop myself from delving too deep into the thoughts that got me here. I might as well enjoy the moment since I don't have control over my life.
The drive into Manhattan doesn't do much to distract me from the night ahead. The steady rhythm of tires driving along expressways where so many people are living a life nothing like mine. Every step to get here confuses me, but I'm still going along with it. The question flies across my head.
What if I just keep driving?
I can't…I won't leave my parents to deal with that fallout when a dinner with Saul can ease the stress on my parents and our family business. The mental hoops I have to jump through to ready myself for tonight has me driving by muscle memory without focusing on traffic. I know where I'm going.
Kings is a members-only club that people are desperate to get inside of, but the list is invitation only. I try to take pleasure in that. Someone like Saul wants me to have access to this space. I know it's for reasons similar to the auction. He wants people to see us together. Saul wants the news to get back to Valentino with the hope that Valentino reacts violently. But, how can he expect that from Don Barrone when he was so calculated at the auction? Neither man’s intentions are easy for me to pinpoint.
My stomach churns as I walk down the street. Every click of my heels along the sidewalk brings me closer to the darkened glass doors with a single gold signature of the club's namesake above them. A man that's practically the size of a building stands with his hands clasped in front of him. I want him to take one look at me and turn me away.
"Name," is the only word he says to me once I'm standing in front of him. This isn't a place where a line wraps around the block. Either you're on the list or you're not. There's no sense in waiting.
"Lia Bonetti." My voice is barely above a whisper, but even I can hear the hope of it not being on the entry list.
To my disappointment, he nods and opens the door for me. Inside, there's an entryway next to an area for people to check their jackets and coats. A podium where the hostess stands separates me from the dining area of the club. The dark maroon walls remind me of a dry cabernet. I'm going to need something stronger than wine to get through this night.
Soft jazz music plays as people sit in booths and the few dozen tables scattering across a large dining area. There's a long bar against one side of the room with a corridor at the back of the room beside a thick velvet curtain.
The hostess smiles at me. "Good evening. Welcome to Kings. Can I have your name, please?"
After telling her, she leads me through the room where eyes follow the sway of my hips toward a dark table in the back of the room. Saul stands as I sit down, making sure to stand a bit longer, ensuring that people know I'm here for him, with him.
"You look phenomenal, Lia."
"Thank you, Mr. Caputo."
"Call me, Saul. I want us to be friends, more than that since we're going to be working so close together. Would you like to order something?"
I shake my head, unable to stomach the idea of eating or drinking with him. "Can you just tell me what you want me to do?"
"I need to know the company Don Barrone is using to scoop up some properties. He's into security, not real estate, but I hear rumors, you know?"
"No, I don't know. I don't think you understand how long it's going to take for Don Barrone to trust me with information like that."
"I do, but I have time. It's either you do this, or your parents do time."
"And once I get you that information, I'm done? Can I stop this charade?" I ask him.
He shrugs. "That depends. We'll see."
I think I'm going to be sick. "Excuse me a moment. I need the restroom."