Page 89 of Steamy Ever After
He digs his fingers into my flesh, but I only now realize he’s still dressed. My clumsy fingers fumble with the buttons of his shirt. Finally releasing him from it, I tug it down his arms.
“Fucking hell!” I snap when the cuffs catch around his wrists. “Can you get naked already?”
With a deep laugh, he kneels between my legs and undoes the rest of his buttons. I can only gape at his wide, tanned chest and his dark pink nipples. Salivating, I sit up and take one in my mouth, moaning with delight. He tastes as good as he looks. Better even.
Joe runs his hand through my hair and tugs, then leans down, pressing me back into the mattress, pushing his hard length against my core. I run the back of my hand down his chest, his stomach, over the ridges of hard muscle, then my fingertips touch the tip poking through his pants, and I freeze.
“What is it?” he asks, his lips at my ear.
“Your penis.”
He glances down. “What about it?”
“Nothing. It’s just… there. And hard.”
“Yeah, that’s usually how this goes. Is that a problem?”
I let out a short, nervous laugh. “No, but are we really doing this?”
“Honey, after what we just did, this is what’s freaking you out?”
The realization hits, and I burst out laughing, hiding my face in his chest. “I’m so weird.”
Joe cradles my head and kisses the top of it. “You really are.” He rolls off of me and gets off the bed.
“Where are you going?”
“Getting this out in the open,” he replies, working his zipper. “Literally.”
“What are you…?”
Before I can finish speaking, Joe’s pants and underwear drop to the floor. He kicks them off and stands in the middle of my room, completely naked. Embarrassed, I dart my eyes away.
“Look at me, Jane.”
I cover my eyes with my hands, like someone who’s never seen a naked person before. “No, I can’t.”
“Jane. My tongue was inside you. I think you can look at my cock.”
“Oh, god,” I groan. “Don’t call it that.”
He laughs. “What should I call it then? My dick? Manhood? Purple-headed-yogurt-slinger?”
A gagging noise tumbles from my mouth. “Those aren’t any better.”
“Then you name it.”
“I will not.” I laugh, but keep my eyes covered. The bed sinks under his weight when he returns, kneeling in front of me. He takes my wrists and pries my hands away from my face.
“Look at me,” he commands.
I open my eyes and gasp. His cock/dick/penis is a few inches from my face, all rigid, long, and thick, and suddenly, I’m insanely thirsty. “Wow.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
Defeated, he sinks back onto his legs. “Ouch.”