Page 77 of Steamy Ever After
I glance down at the tent in my pants, wondering exactly how many lines I’d be crossing if I stroked one out right here and now, but then I hear something and my ears perk up like a dog’s.
My jaw drops.
That wasn’t just a moan. That was Jane moaning a name…
Unable to compute the information, I lean forward and grip the door frame.
This woman, who most days acts as if she can’t stomach me, spoke my name while pleasuring herself? My name?
I’m too aroused to do much else but stand there and take a moment, pushing back and leaning against the wall behind me. The old floorboards squeak beneath my feet. I cringe, holding my breath, hoping she didn’t hear.
A few seconds roll by and I think I’m safe, but then my pocket dings.
Shit. I quickly silence the phone, but see the text is from Jane.
Help! I think someone’s in the apartment.
I bite down on my lip and smile. Despite knowing I shouldn’t do it, I can’t resist replying, and even as I type the words, I’m shaking my head, seeing the mountain of shit I’m about to walk into.
You mean someone other than me?
From the other side of the door, I hear Jane stumbling around her room, her footsteps pounding across the floor, but by the time she opens the door, I’m consumed by a fit of hysterical laughter.
“You fucking prick.”
With eyes like daggers, her murderous glare cuts through me. I raise my hands in surrender, somewhat afraid she might hurt me—not that she could do much damage, plus she’s got that whole peaceful Buddhist thing going—but I don’t doubt Angry Jane could easily get in a punch or two if she chose to.
“Why are you here?” she barks. “I thought you went out.”
“Plans got canceled.” I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand, still chuckling. “Sounds like it’s a good thing I was here, though. You know, to save you.”
Her eyes narrow. “This isn’t funny, Joe. I seriously thought someone broke in!”
“You’re right, it’s not funny. It’s fucking hilarious.”
It might be because I know what she was up to, but the way she scrunches her face and the pink shade covering her freckled cheeks now seems so sexy.
“Okay, you had your fun. Now leave.” She grabs the door to shut it, but I can’t let her slip away so easily and step closer, stopping the door with my foot.
“Actually, I was coming to see you about something.”
She clutches the collar of her bathrobe, her jaw clenched. “About what?”
“About putting my clean clothes on the floor.”
Her shoulders relax. “Oh, well, I’ve told you many times not to leave them in the washing machine.”
“And I get that. But couldn’t you have put it in the dryer for me? I mean, you didn’t have to go so far as to turn the dryer on, but the floor? Really, Jane?”
“I’ll tell you what.” She juts out her hip. “If you try harder to take care of your responsibilities, then I’ll try harder to not?—”
“Be a bitch?” I interrupt.