Page 55 of Steamy Ever After
As I stand on the beach shore, sunlight streaming from above, the gentle caress of the ocean breeze ruffles my hair. I can’t help but feel a surge of emotions at the site of my one and only, my bride, gliding toward me.
Her feet leave delicate ruts in the sand as she walks toward me draped in white cotton eyelet. Her wedding dress billows as the wind fills its skirt and she reaches me surrounded by a marshmallow cloud.
"Hi," I whisper.
"Hi, yourself," she answers, her sapphire eyes glowing. I swallow a ball of emotion that seems to have lodged in my throat. The sun casts her in a golden glow. Tenderly she holds a bouquet of various flowers in soft, creamy colors. Their sweet fragrance mixes with the salt air, creating a memorable, intoxicating fragrance.
Her eyes meet mine and are filled with so much love and happiness that it takes my breath away. She responds when I reach for her hand, the warmth of her touch grounding me in this present moment. The sound of the waves is pure bliss as they toss and tumble before their final crash. What I need to make me happy stands beside me; my Lacey, whose eyes sparkle with joy.
"I would normally start this service with a 'dearly beloved we are gathered here today' but I can see that this couple has their dearly beloved around them. When Lacey approached me the other day, I wasn’t sure about performing a ceremony without premarital counseling and all the other things the church recommends. I feel no check in my spirit as I look upon these two. On my reputation as a man of God, I can say with all certainty, there's love here. We are standing in the presence of two people and, joined as one, they'll be an indomitable force." He pauses.
"Carter, do you take this woman Lacey to be your wedded wife?"
"I do."
"And do you Lacey take Carter to be your wedded husband?"
"I do."
The pastor pronounces us man and wife and, instantly, a profound sense of peace settles within me.
"You may kiss your bride."
I turn to my new wife, her eyes shining with love and anticipation, and claim her mouth with a possessive, yet gentle, kiss.
It's a merging of souls and kindred spirits and, in that moment, the world falls away. Mom and Declan applaud, and we break apart, our eyes locked in a promise of forever.
We go back to the house to celebrate our union and for the first time in my life, I feel content. This is where I was always meant to be, with Lacey by my side, celebrating our new life together with champagne and her cake combination.
"I see chocolate," she says in a lyrical way.
"Your favorite; yellow cake with milk chocolate icing."
"It's perfect." Her wide smile nearly reaches her eyes, and her joy makes her shine like the sun. Seeing her so happy and so obviously in love, fills me with a sense of contentment unlike anything I’ve known. I look down at the band on my finger, its presence confirming our tethered connection.
Then, there's Mom.
I glance over at my mother who's beaming as she stands between her new daughter and the minister. She's so brave, laughing in the face of the beast that lives inside her. I don't know what the future holds but, for now, I'll encourage her to eat the cake; drink the champagne. If I've learned anything this week, it's that tomorrow isn't promised.
I catch Lacey's gaze. "I'd like to propose a toast to my new husband," she lifts her glass high in the air. "When they say someone's broke the mold it means there's no one like them. My husband is that person. He's steadfast and loyal and protective of those he loves. To you, Carter, and to a long life together."
I take a sip, then mimic her actions. "She's a hard act to follow, but I'll try." I raise my glass. "To you, Lacey Sinclair. You own my every thought and every heartbeat. This is our perfect beginning."