Page 44 of Steamy Ever After
I eye her warily.
"Lacey, please," she pleads, concern written all over her face.
After a moment of hesitation, I nod, though I'm not happy about agreeing.
"Thank you. When I wake up, I'd love to do brunch, if the boys agree. Maybe Declan can get Marisol to join us. It would be nice to get to know her a little better."
"Sounds good," I say softly.
I watch as Rose continues down the hallway to the bedroom door. Once through, the door drifts closed. Somehow, a note, or something like it, cruises on a current of air.
"Rose ..."I call, but she doesn't hear me.
I push out from the table, the chair legs squelching a noise against the linoleum floor. As I approach the bedroom, I tiptoe, so as not to bother her, and pick up the note from the floor. My eye catches on a bright, bold, red magic marker and my breath catches in my throat as I make out the words.
"Mom missed the brunch window. Did you tell her I made reservations for dinner?"
Lacey nods, her mouth full of toothpaste. The soft sound of her toothbrush against her teeth echoes in the small space.
"I could have waited until you were finished." Amused, I watch as she again nods, small fragments of white paste dotting the corners of her mouth. Her eyes meet mine in the mirror, a hint of humor lingering behind their usual sparkle. With a determined rhythm, she completes the task then turns to me.
"When I went to her room, Rose said she'd be ready soon." She pauses, then her expression grows more serious. "Have you noticed anything different about your mom?"
"Not really. Why?"
She shrugs. "Just asking."
"Have you?" I respond.
"Maybe." She presses a forced smile to her lips, and I feel a check in my gut. "She has seemed a little run down. I thought you might have noticed the same thing."
I stop and search my thoughts, but come up with nothing. "I'm usually pretty good at deciphering subtle clues about Mom's moods when I speak with her on the phone which, as you know, is a couple of times a week. Maybe what you see as fatigue is actually some lingering emotions. Me and Declan ... I think Mom's getting too old for this shit, you know?"
"I guess."
I pull her into my arms. The sunlight that streams through the window dances across the yellow tiles. "I'm sure a nice, relaxed dinner will do everyone good." I give her a quick kiss. "I'm going to go downstairs and see if Mom's ready."
"Okay." She pulls away. "I'm going to change into a sundress. I'll be down in a few minutes."
I grab her wrist and snatch another kiss. "I'll meet you on the porch."
We part in the hallway and, as I descend the stairs the old wood creaks. My mind races with excitement and nerves as I think of what I'm about to reveal. Something I've planned for a while but have shared with no one.
I follow the sound of running water and the scent of dish soap fills the air. It hits me as I enter the kitchen. Mom smiles at me as she stands near the sink, drying a mug with a towel.
"Mom, can I talk to you out on the porch?" My tone belies my nerves and concern fills her expression. "It's all good. I promise."
She nods, places the cup down, and follows me outside. The sun still warms the air. I'm hyper-alert, sensitive to sound so as to detect Lacey's footsteps should she chance discovering my secret. I go to the farthest corner, as far away from the door as I can. Birds chirp in the tree behind the house and summer flowers that enjoy the heat are in full bloom on the trellis beside me. I quickly muster my words and pivot. Mom's eyes go wide as I place my hands on her shoulders.
"I’m going to propose to Lacey," I blurt.
"What? When?" Mom's face lights up with joy and surprise. I peer over her shoulder to ensure that we're safe from Lacey's ears.
"Sometime this week."