Page 407 of Steamy Ever After
“My mom and aunt would bring me. We spent all day swimming and hiking and reading and playing silly games. On the weekends, Uncle Pete and my dad would join us. They made everything an adventure. We’d camp, stay up late, and stare at the stars until we all fell asleep.” I tip my head back, loving the way the warmth of the sun heats my face. “We’d look for shooting stars, chase fireflies, listen to the cattle lowing in the distance. It was wonderful.”
“It sounds amazing. Maybe we should move movie night and have it here instead of at my place? We can watch our favorite films, do a little skinny dipping, cuddle to get warm…” His voice trails off and I know exactly what he’s thinking.
There’s more water spilling over the rocky ledge than I remember. The creek leading out is a bit wider than I recall. Other than that, it’s picture-perfect.
“You love this place.” He meanders toward the creek leading away from the swimming hole. There, he dips his muddy boots into the clear water, letting the gentle flow clean off the mud clinging to his boots. He glances over his shoulder and a mischievous glint sparkles in his eyes. “I’m thinking a little skinny dipping might be fun.” Before I know it, he kicks off his boots and yanks off his shirt.
“Last one in is a rotten egg!” He fumbles with his belt buckle while I race to the water’s edge.
That water is cold, cold, cold. I definitely remember how cold it was, and most surely still is, but I don’t care. A sense of being carefree overcomes me, and there’s no way I’m losing that bet.
Following Drake’s lead, I yank my shirt over my head and kick off my shoes while undoing my bra. My thumbs hook in my panties and I yank them off. I stop by Drake, who’s still having problems with his jeans.
With kid-like glee, I snap my panties at him and laugh as they hit his face. Drake doesn’t miss a beat. He grabs my panties and makes a show of sniffing them, then finally gets one leg free. He hops on one foot, yanking his jeans off while still holding my panties to his face. He runs behind me in his boxer briefs.
“That’s not fair.” He closes the distance between us as I race toward my favorite rock. The water here is deep, and I spent my summers jumping off that rock. I know it’s safe to launch into the air and let gravity take over.
I do that now, running without a care in the world and leap off the edge. It’s the only way to deal with the chilly water. There is no going slow.
For a split second, I’m in the air. Then I drop, gasping as the bone-chilling waters shock my body. I press my lips tight together and pinch my eyes as the water closes over my head.
Way colder than I remember as a girl, I’m not prepared for the icy shock of the frigid waters. I claw my way to the surface, shivering and turning blue. Drake stands above me, still on the rock, my red lace panties gripped in his hand.
“No way did I think you’d do that.” He shakes his head, laughs, then jumps in, tucking knees to chest, and cannonballs me.
Icy water sprays my face as I kick to shore. I think I’m going to make it when a firm hand grabs my ankle. Drake yanks hard, pulling me back. My head goes under.
It’s cold. Like colder than the night we met when I battled frostbite and won. Already, my body grows sluggish, but then Drake’s arm locks around me and our legs intertwine as we tread water. He brushes the hair off my face and stares deeply into my eyes.
“You are something else, city girl. An unexpected treasure.”
With those words, he kisses me. It would be way more romantic if I could feel my lips, but I’ll take every kiss he wants to give me. I thread my fingers into the hair at his nape, loving the silky glide of his wet hair and shiver.
“I-I th-think we should get out of the water.”
“Agree.” Drake releases me and we both angle toward the shore.
His long strokes get him there before me, which means I get to watch the water sluicing off his naked body.
Damn, but the man has a nice ass.
He turns around, one hand cupping his groin, and extends a hand out to me. I take his hand and find my footing. His gaze drops to my chest, where my nipples are cold, hard pebbles.
“Don’t even think it.” I wade out of the water, flapping my arms like a chicken as I try to get my blood circulating. Thankfully, the sun’s up far enough to heat the air.
Immediately, sensation rushes back to my toes, my fingers, and my kneecaps. Who knew kneecaps could get cold like that?
“I don’t remember it being that cold when I was a kid.”
“I’m not surprised, but it’s a month earlier than when you came up.”
I pause and decide he’s right. “Come to think of it, we came up in mid-June and left mid-August.”
“That water’s probably not even forty degrees.”
“It certainly felt like diving into an ice bath.” I gather my hair, wringing it to get as much water out as possible. As for my clothes, they’re strewn about.
I gather everything and walk back to his truck naked. Drake follows me, getting closer.