Page 325 of Steamy Ever After
On their way to Butler Ranch later in the day, Brodie turned off the highway and took the dirt road up to see the view of Morro Bay. Instead of getting out of the truck, they remained inside.
“I loved you then,” he murmured. “Even then, I knew.”
“I think I did too. I just fought it harder than you did.”
“And later, when I told you I wanted to make you mine, I knew I wanted to spend my life with you, Peyton. Does that sound crazy?”
“It doesn’t to me. I felt the same way you did. Except I had too much history, believing I made bad choices when it came to men. When I finally found the right one, I didn’t trust myself.”
“Should we get going? I know you still want to go to Stave, and I’d like to have more time alone with you before Alex brings the boys home.”
“I don’t know where they are. Alex didn’t say, did she? All she said was they were having a slumber party. Maybe they’re at the ranch. If they are, who’s at Stave?”
“We’ll soon find out.”
They were quiet the rest of the drive. When Brodie pulled in, they saw Alex’s car parked near Maddox’s cottage. “Guess that answers one question. Do you want to go see them while I pack up some stuff?”
“I’d rather come with you. I’ve never seen where you live,” Peyton said.
“I don’t live there anymore, sweetheart.” Brodie drew her close and brushed her lips with his.
“Damn, Brodie, you can kiss.” She put the back of her hand against her forehead. “Those women who call you ‘Brodie the Booty’ must not know how good you are with those lips.”
“They never will, darlin’.” Brodie opened the door. “I apologize if it’s a mess—wait, what the hell?” Brodie stopped before Peyton could get in the door.
“What’s wrong?”
“Sorry.” He moved forward so she could come inside. “I can’t believe this.” Brodie ran his hand over the box sitting on the kitchen table.
“What is that?”
“It’s Kade’s box.”
Peyton sat in a chair near the table. “Where did it come from?”
“The woman who owns the house I rented in Argentina must’ve sent it.”
“You took it with you?”
“Yeah.” Brodie’s hands still rested on the top of it, appearing perplexed.
Peyton stood and rested her hands on his. “Let’s open it together.”
“Are you sure?”
“Would it bother you?”
“No, but…”
“It isn’t a secret, Brodie. You knew your brother and I were together. You know I loved him, but you also know I love you more.”
“I don’t want to intrude on your privacy.”
“But I want you to. I don’t want secrets between us. I don’t want you to hide things from me, not even to protect me, the way Kade did.”
“What, Brodie? You have that same look on your face. A look of regret.” She got up to leave, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her against him.