Page 317 of Steamy Ever After
“I want to go home, Brodie.”
“If you don’t mind. If you do, I can stay here a few more days.”
Alex put her hands on her hips. “What’s going on over there? August, didn’t you tell your daughter it isn’t polite to whisper?”
“She’s a grown woman, as you are, Alex.”
“We’re discussing Brodie taking me home.” Peyton glanced at her mother to gauge her reaction.
Her mom smiled. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, don’t you, boys?” When August addressed Jamison and Finn, they both stood.
“Should we pack our stuff?” Jamie asked.
“We’re not leaving yet, but if Brodie doesn’t mind, maybe we can get him to take us home after dinner.” Peyton squeezed Brodie’s hand.
“Whenever you’re ready, sweetheart.”
Brodie’s sister Skye arrived less than half an hour later with the most beautiful little girl Peyton’d ever seen.
“This is Spencer,” Skye said. “Spencer, can you say hello to Miss Peyton?”
Spencer hid behind her mother’s legs, but her blue eyes met Peyton’s. Skye looked like a slightly older version of Ainsley, but her hair was lighter, not fiery red like Sorcha’s and her little girl’s. Peyton imagined Spencer had looked a lot like her grandmother might’ve as a child.
“What’s on your mind?” Brodie caught her staring.
Peyton rested her hands on her tummy. “What this one will look like. Will she look more like me or someone from your family?”
“She’ll be beautiful like her mama, with blonde hair and green eyes. That’s my prediction.”
Alex scowled. “Seriously? You should leave. You’re so annoyingly happy.”
“Jealous much?” When Naughton nudged her, Maddox shot him a look both Peyton and Brodie caught.
“What is up with those two?” he whispered.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out tomorrow,” Peyton whispered like he had. “When are you due?” Peyton asked Skye when she approached.
“Another month. You?”
“You’re out of the first trimester. Have you been sick much?”
“Not as much as with my boys.”
“You’re glowing. I felt wonderful when I was pregnant with Spence, but this little guy is kicking my butt. I feel as though he’s aged me twenty years.”
“Nonsense. You’re as beautiful today as when I met you ten years ago. More beautiful, in fact,” said a man with the same accent as Sorcha.
Skye smiled. “Peyton, this is my husband, MacLayne Campbell. Mac, meet Peyton.”
Mac shook her hand, but his eyes barely left his wife’s.
Lang had been wretched when she was eight months along, with both Jamison and Finn. He’d never failed to mention she looked haggard. When he asked her how long she thought it would take to lose weight after Finn was born, she’d wanted to slug him. To think a man who cared so little about his then-wife wanted custody of the two boys he’d abandoned when one was a toddler and the other a baby, made her blood boil.
Brodie’s hand rested on her nape, his fingers softly stroked her skin. “Everything okay?”