Page 282 of Steamy Ever After
“Ew, lima beans. They’re disgusting,” Finn added.
“When have I ever made lima beans?”
“They have ’em at school, and when they do, everybody pukes.”
“Finn! We’re eating.”
“So? It’s true.”
“Okay, so no lima beans. Anything else?” She waited when he appeared lost in thought. “Yoo-hoo, Brodie.”
“I don’t care. I’d even eat lima beans if you made them for me.”
When they finished breakfast, Peyton insisted she clean up while he showered. She asked him again if he’d be more comfortable going home, but dropped it when he raised a brow.
She washed the dishes and started a load of laundry, then called to check in with Alex. They’d talked yesterday, when her friend had called to see how Finn was, then again when Peyton told her they were on their way home from the hospital.
“Good morning.” Alex yawned.
“Am I calling too early?” Peyton looked over at the clock. It was after ten. “Tell me you weren’t still sleeping.”
“No, Miss Morning Glory, I wasn’t, but I haven’t been awake that long.”
“Was it busy yesterday afternoon?” Peyton asked.
“Heck, no. I closed at five.”
“And what?” Alex asked.
“Why were you still asleep at ten in the morning?”
Alex lowered her voice. “It’s really none of your beeswax, but if you must know, I’m not home.”
“Where are you?”
“Hanging out on Adelaida Trail, where I happen to know Brodie is not.”
“No, he’s still here. In the shower at the moment. What’s the deal with you and Maddox? And seriously, why don’t I know anything about it? I’m a little hurt, honestly.”
“Don’t be. There was nothing to know for a long time. We talked after all the weirdness with you and Brodie, then when he came to Stave Friday night, things sorta, you know, happened. And here I am. Although whenever we’ve done this in the past, after about a week, we’re ready to scratch each other’s eyes out. I figure I’ve got three or four days of amazing sex left, and then we’ll hate each other again.”
“I feel as though I keep repeating myself, but Alex, how do I not know any of this?”
“I don’t know. It’s too… Can’t think of the word. Raw, maybe?”
“That, I get. I’m feeling the same way about Brodie,” Peyton admitted.
“I can’t believe you let him spend the night with the boys there. It’s not like you.”
She sighed. “I keep looking in the mirror to make sure I’m still me. That’s how much I’m not like me right now.”
Alex chuckled. “That’s great. I’m gonna steal it. I keep looking in the mirror to make sure I’m still me. Classic Peyton.”
“Oh, before I forget, did you cancel with Peter yesterday?” Peyton asked.
“I did. Didn’t he call you?”