Page 257 of Steamy Ever After
“If you’re okay to drive. Please go.”
“I don’t know.”
“I’ll be fine here. They need you. Maddox needs you.”
“Call Addy?”
“Yep, I’ll see if she can come in early. If not, I’ll try Sam.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Peyton was as worried as Alex, but it wouldn’t be appropriate for her to go to the hospital. Maddox knew about her and Brodie, but what about the rest of their family? What would they think of her being there?
Since there was nothing for her to do to get Stave ready to open—it appeared Alex had been there a while—Peyton went into the kitchen and brewed a fresh pot of coffee.
She was worried about Mrs. Butler, but knew Alex would call and give her an update as soon as she knew anything.
With a fully loaded cup of caffeine, Peyton walked out front and sat at one of the tables on the patio. The sun, beating down from the east, felt warm on her face, and she closed her eyes.
When she opened them, a man entered the store across the street. She held her breath. From the back, he looked as much like Kade as Brodie had. God, had that only been a few days ago?
She put her feet on the chair across from her, set her coffee on the table, and shut her eyes.
“Peyton, wake up.” The gravelly voice she knew so well startled her.
She opened her eyes and blinked, trying to focus. Kade was sitting at the table, in the chair opposite hers.
“Kade?” She gasped. “What?—”
He held up his hand, and she stopped talking.
“She’s going to be okay.”
“Your mom?”
“It was a mild one, more of a warning. They’ll keep her for a couple of days, for observation, and then let her go home.”
“Everything will be okay, Peyton. She’ll be okay, and so will you.”
“Peyton?” When she opened her eyes again, Addy was shaking her shoulder.
“Where did he go?” She sat up and looked around the patio.
“Kade! He was just here. Where did he go?”
“Peyton…you were dreaming…”
“No, Addy. He was here. He told me his mom was going to be okay.”
“That’s why I came looking for you.” Addy handed Peyton her cell that she’d left on the desk in her office. “Alex is trying to get in touch with you.”
Peyton searched up and down the street. No one was out yet this morning. She looked across and saw a closed sign in the window of the store she’d, only moments ago, thought she saw Kade walk into.