Page 214 of Steamy Ever After
“Oh, gawd, I just realized how hungry I am.”
“I’m thinking of pairing it with the Charbono.”
“Mmm, yummy.”
Although she found herself thinking more about Brodie than Kade, getting lost in wine and food pairings was exactly what Peyton needed to take her mind off both Butler brothers.
One of the first dinners they’d held featured wines made by Maddox Butler from Butler Ranch Winery. Peyton had met Kade the night of the dinner, when he came as Maddox’s guest. From then on, he’d made a point of visiting Stave whenever he was home on leave, and soon he and Peyton became friends.
Kade asked her more questions than he answered, although Peyton didn’t think of many. She knew he served in the military, in special operations, but no other details. He was often gone for several weeks, then home for an equal amount of time. It wasn’t long before she started paying enough attention to know when he was leaving and when he expected to return.
After a particularly long Friday night, when a group of tourists decided to hang out past closing time, Peyton received an email from Kade. He told her he’d be gone two weeks longer than originally anticipated but hoped to see her the night he returned. She responded jokingly, asking if he was suggesting they go out on a date. A few minutes later, he replied he was. Peyton panicked and didn’t respond. With two young sons and a heart that still hadn’t mended from her divorce, she hadn’t given dating any thought and didn’t plan to.
The next time Peyton saw Kade, she wasn’t sure what to expect, but when he arrived at Stave his first night in town, their conversation felt the same as those they’d had before the awkward email exchange.
The night he’d told her he was flying out again, Peyton said him she’d miss him.
“How much?” he’d asked.
“A lot,” she’d confessed.
“Then, go out with me when I get home.”
“Yoo-hoo, Peyton.” Alex nudged her.
“Sorry, uh…” She caught the look that passed between Alex and Peter. “I think we should start with something lighter.”
“Uh-huh.” Alex smirked.
Peter looked lost, but offered to serve his signature oak-grilled artichoke instead.
“Perfect. We’ll pair it with the Falanghina.”
When everything was set, Alex walked Peter to his car, then returned to the tasting room.
“I thought you were leaving too.”
Monday was Alex’s day off. She only came in if there was a wine dinner scheduled or they had pairings to put together.
“I asked him to return next week for another planning session.”
“Why? We’re fine. He doesn’t need to trek all the way up here again. We can handle the remaining details without him.”
Alex stood with her arms crossed.
“Oh, wait. Sorry. You want him to return so you can hang out. I get it.”
Alex shook her head. “Nope.”
“Then, why?”
“Because, Peyton. It’s time.”