Page 19 of Steamy Ever After
“I mean I get it,” Lexi says quickly and puts up her hands as if to say she’s not judging. “They’re obviously… into you.”
“And they get me,” I say pointedly. It’s been two weeks since Blake and Maddox claimed me as theirs and I’ve never been happier. “It wasn’t supposed to turn into this. I can’t even believe it’s more than like…” I huff out a breath and blow at the stray lock of hair dangling in my face.
“Than a quick, dirty fuck?” she asks in a hushed tone with her eyes all over Jace. He keeps taking peeks at her too and it makes me smile that much wider.
“I mean it though; I didn’t expect this.”
She’s slow to turn and look at me as the seconds pass, but when she does she offers me an easy smile. “Some happily ever afters come super fast and are smutty as hell.” She looks back at the boys and adds, “Good for you.”
I can’t help but to smile. Maybe it’s too soon to say it’s love.
But it’s more than lust. And I know I want more.
I want so much more.
“We can’t just knock her up.”
“I didn’t say that,” I say defensively. Blake keeps looking at me like I’m the one who’s crazy. And as he shuts the door to the office and flicks on the light, part of me wonders if maybe I am.
“You implied it,” he spits back and rummages through the drawer to his desk. My brow furrows; I don’t know what we’re looking for or why we’re even here.
“I’m just saying …” I trail off as I try to word it right. I want to keep our kitten. She needs to stay. And the only thing I can think of is to put a baby in her.
“We have an unconventional relationship. In a lot of ways. But fuck anyone who has the time to give a shit.” He says the words like it’s just natural not to care. To take it easy and slow and that’s where he’ll fuck up.
He’ll let her get away because he’ll be too happy to see it coming.
“She’s going to want something different.” I talk to his back as he finally stops digging in the drawer.
“No, she’s going to want something more. Not different,” he says and then turns to me holding out his hand.
“What’s that?” I ask him without moving. I’m leaning with my back against the wall as I stare at his closed fist.
“Take it,” he says then shakes his hand and I shake my head in return.
All I can imagine is that it’s something from back when he was in the PD. He’s retired now, officially. And as far as anyone else knows, he’s no one special but a man with tattoos, who likes to ride a Harley.
And with a lot of friends who like the same.
“What is it?” I ask him again and he gives me an exasperated look.
“It was my mom’s,” he answers and then opens his hand, palm up to reveal a simple ring. “I don’t think it’s really her taste, but we can add to it,” he says while I take in the round stone and rose gold band.
“I think she’d love it,” I tell him in an even voice even though I can feel my heart squeezing in my chest. One ring. And this one has meaning.
“You’ll have to get her the band the same day,” he says and his words force my gaze back to his.
“A band?”
“You know, the other ring.”
“That’s for the wedding day,” I tell him and clench my jaw even though I’m all emotional for no good reason.
“I say we do it all at once.”
“You serious?” I ask him even though I already know the answer. There’s no way we’re letting her go.
“That’s how she likes it,” Blake says as if it’s the obvious answer, and I have to laugh at his words.
“Shit, that’s how all three of us like it,” I say, finally feeling a little easier.
“First the rings, then the babies.” He shuts the door and slips the ring into his pocket.
I nod my head, thinking about Marie’s belly and everything that’s to come. “Alright then. Rings first, and then the babies.”