Page 14 of Steamy Ever After
Linc’s smile slips. “What do you mean?” Before anyone can answer he adds, “Who told you we knew you were a cop?” I feel my forehead pinch in confusion. Why the fuck does it matter? I’m not going to question Linc though. You don’t question Pres.
“I did.” Pinch looks curious too. His normal smile has faded and his eyes are darting between the three of us. I’ve rarely seen him anything other than happy as a pig in shit, so seeing him eyeing the fuck out of everyone is making my own nerves race through me.
“Damn it, Pinch!” Pinch cringes at Linc’s outburst. “You cost me twenty grand.” Linc starts shaking his head before smacking Maddox on the back of his. We all flinch at the sound, because it sure as hell wasn’t a love tap, and Maddox takes a step closer to me. As if I can protect him from Pres if it comes to that.
“What the hell’s wrong with you, Maddox?” Linc’s hard eyes bore into Maddox’s as he asks, “He’s the closest thing you’ve got to family, and you didn’t tell him?”
It’s easy to see Maddox’s confusion on his face. He parts his lips to respond, but nothing comes out. His eyes shift hesitantly to me and then back to Linc’s before he points out, “Pres, you told me not to.”
“I told you not to do a lot of shit, but that didn’t stop you two, did it?” I press my lips into a hard, tight line waiting for Maddox to respond. How does he know about that? And what exactly does he know? I’m not admitting shit.
He clenches his fists and opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. His eyes find mine and I shake my head slowly, silently telling him that I didn’t tell Linc anything.
Linc rubs his hands down his face and mutters, “Dammit Maddox, you owe me twenty grand.” He shakes his head one last time and looks at the two of us like we’ve disappointed him.
“You two get your shit settled. But if you wanna fight it out, you do it in the ring. I have to call Roger.” Link slams the door shut on his way out, cursing us under his breath.
The three of us stare at the closed door.
“That’s why he didn’t tell me?” I look between the two of them slowly. “Because of a bet?”
“Who the fuck would bet twenty grand on that?” Pinch’s brows are knitted and he runs his hand through his hair in confusion while sitting back in his seat. Silence settles over the room.
“You know I meant what I said earlier.” Maddox’s voice breaks the quiet.
“Which part of what you said?” For the life of me, I don’t know what he’s getting at. But if it’s about Marie, we’re gonna have problems.
“Maybe between the two of us, we can keep her.” Motherfucker just won’t let it go.
“Don’t make me kill you, Maddox.”
He holds up both hands in surrender, but refuses to shut the fuck up. “Just listen to me.” I shake my head and curl my lip as rage pumps through me. “I know she’s not just a piece of ass.” His words make me pause, but only for a second.
“You think she’s going to listen to you when you show up at her place?” My eyes dart to the floor for a split second in doubt before meeting his.
“You think she’d listen to you? But not me?” I sneer and resist the urge to spit.
“Calm the fuck down, Blake.”
“Fuck you! You’re trying to take her from me!”
“I’m not taking anything from you. I want to share her.” My hands tighten into fists, making my split knuckles scream in agony. I tilt my head and crack my neck. My body’s on edge and I want nothing more than to take out all this pent-up energy on Maddox’s face.
“I wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with a girl like Marie. But I want her. I can’t help it.”
“Maddox, I’m warning you.” My low voice is steady, the threat dripping with menace. Marie’s not some fling. I want more from her. More with her.
“I can help you. We can be everything she wants.” My nostrils flare in anger, but deep down that fucking hurt.
“You think she won’t want me? Is that it? I’m not good enough for her?” His words gut me, taking advantage of my insecurities.
“I didn’t fucking say that.” Maddox’s face flashes with remorse before taking on a hard edge. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“What the fuck did you mean?”
“I want her. I want her.” He pauses, his eyes searching mine, pleading with me to understand him. “Not just as a piece of ass, but to keep. I know you want her too. Between the two of us, she’ll stay.” I turn my back to him to face the door, letting his words settle. Maddox continues talking to my back. “I know she will. You’ll fuck up and I’ll fuck up, but one of us will always be there to keep her.”
“I want her, Maddox.” I finally turn back to him. “I don’t know if I can keep her, but I want to.”