Page 131 of Steamy Ever After
“I’m just saying, the Brick Hotel isn’t cheap. Gage King built it. He owns the chain Kings Construction. Very expensive taste.”
She knew all about Gage King because her father feared the man might put their store out of business if he opened up one of those ugly box stores in their little town.
There was a time when she wished someone would force the hardware store to close. Then her father would have nothing to boast or complain about. But in the end, Gage King just ended up moving here and marrying Perrin Harris, now Perrin King. Perrin was so damn beautiful, the rest of the single women in Jasper Falls never stood a chance.
The moment they set foot on the Motor Inn parking lot, Giovanni sped up his steps. “Finally.” He dug out a key on a single, diamond-shaped charm that told the number of his room. “Well, see ya.”
He veered off toward the row of doors and she stopped walking. Glancing at the lobby doors, she sighed and headed that way.
The lobby was more of a musty-smelling den decorated like a dusty old hunting lodge. A metal coffee pot sat in the corner, plugged into the wall. Not seeing anyone at the desk, she grabbed a cup and tipped over the pot, frowning when thick sludge seeped out.
“That coffee’s no good.” A man with greasy hair peeking from the back of an oil-stained ball cap appeared behind the desk, wiping his nose on a dirtied bandanna. “Been sittin’ since yesterday.”
“Do you plan on making more?”
“Eventually.” He shoved the bandanna into his pocket and sucked at his teeth, making a loud squeak with his tongue. “When the power comes back on.”
She glanced around the lobby, registering how dim the room was and that the dated television in the corner was off. Shit.
“Do you have a phone I can use?”
“Phones are out, too. Big tree fell in the storm last night and hit a transformer. They’re sendin’ someone out as soon as possible, but they got problems all over Center County.”
“Great.” She checked her purse and pulled out a credit card. “I guess I’ll take a room.”
“Just rented the last one. Would have lit the NO-VACANCY sign, but the electric ain’t workin’.”
This could not be happening. She pinched the bridge of her nose and winced when she inadvertently upset her bruised cheek.
“I could keep ya company.”
She stopped breathing, her gaze dropping to the soiled kerchief half-buried in his front pocket. “No thanks.”
She pushed out of the lobby and sucked in a sharp breath when the cold cut to the bone. She glanced at the door Giovanni had gone into.
Shutting her eyes, she debated walking. But where would she go? She’d never make it back to Jasper Falls.
The parking lot was full of semi-trucks and cars covered in snow. Flurries clustered on her eyelashes, wetting her cheeks in a way that would disguise tears. Maybe now was the time to cry.
The door to Giovanni’s room opened and he stared at her. He didn’t wave her over, but he silently acknowledged that she had nowhere to go.
Shivering, she crossed the lot and approached his doorway. He had already showered and changed into dry clothes. He looked incredibly cozy and warm.
“It’s no Brick Hotel.”
She shut her eyes, regretting picking on him earlier. She was an asshole with regrettable social skills. “Can I come in?”
For reasons she didn’t understand, he stepped back and let her through.
Why did it feel like Giovanni just invited a vampire into his house? Erin Montgomery was dangerous. She was a viper. Last night, he might have glimpsed her soft underbelly, but he had years of experience with the real her. And, only hours before, she gave everyone at O’Malley’s a taste of her true vicious self.
The morning light had exposed what the shadows and darkness hid. Last night, he could overlook the fact that it was Erin he was helping.
She was just a stranded woman in a bad way. A source of heat with a set of sexy legs and a hot stomach he wanted to sleep against. But, in the light of day, there was no hiding who she was. And, there was no hiding the damage from the accident.
They were both stiff and frozen to the bone, but she’d been pretty roughed up from the crash. Half her face was marbled with purple and yellow blotches. But it was the eyes that did him in.