Page 69 of Stuck-Up Suit
I nuzzled closer. “I need you there with me.”
“You need time with your daughter. And we both know Genevieve doesn’t like me.”
“It’s important to me. I know you have your doubts. I want you to see that we can still work even though things have changed.”
“Please?” I asked softly.
“Fine.” She sounded defeated, but I didn’t care. I was selfish enough to take it any way I could get it.
“Thank you. I’ll make it worth your while the following weekend. I promise.”
IT WAS SOMETHING I’D BEEN THINKING about doing for a while anyway. With all of the changes happening lately, there was no better time than the present to bite the bullet.
When Louis dropped me off at Tig’s tattoo parlor on Eighth Avenue, I was feeling pumped.
Bells chimed when I opened the door. As usual, it smelled like cinnamon incense and tobacco. Bob Marley was playing. Being here somehow oddly reminded me of my college days.
Tig put out his cigarette and greeted me. “Mr. Big Prick! When I saw your name on the appointment list, I nearly shit a brick. What the fuck? Has she finally driven you to lose your mind?”
“You didn’t tell Soraya I was coming, did you?”
“No,” Delia said. “When you called to make the appointment, you made it clear you wanted it to be a surprise, so we won’t ruin it. Right, Tig?”
Tig led me over to the corner seat. “You have an idea what you’re getting?”
“Yes. I know exactly what I want. I actually attempted to sketch it for you.” Taking a piece of paper out of my pocket, I said, “My drawing skills aren’t as good as yours, but it gives you an idea of what I have in mind.”
Tig lit a cigarette and squinted to examine my attempt at tattoo design. “I recognize this.” He chuckled. “Alright. I think we can do even better. Why don’t you lie down.”
I looked up at him as he prepped the needle. “Has she said anything to you about what’s going on with us?”
He blew smoke. “You mean about your baby mama drama?”
“Okay. You obviously know I recently found out I have a daughter.”
“If she did talk to me about it, I wouldn’t fucking tell you anything, dude.”
“Fair enough.”
Damn. I wasn’t going to get jack shit out of him.
The sting of the needle burned into my chest as he started the design. A few years ago, I would have never imagined getting a second tattoo in my lifetime. But somehow it felt natural to be doing this. It seemed like more than just marking my body. It was art, which in turn was an expression of love. Soraya had a way of getting me to see a lot of things differently now.
After several minutes of watching him work in silence, I blurted out, “I love her, Tig.”
He stopped the needle and held out his hands. “Whoa…whoa. Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you’re her friend. She doesn’t have many close ones.”
“Have you even said those three words to her?”
“No. I haven’t had the right opportunity, but I will. I also get the impression that you still don’t trust me, and I think it’s important that you understand that despite recent developments, I’m in this for the long haul.”
“Look, I’m not gonna bullshit you. I don’t personally trust you. But Soraya seems too deep into this for me not, at least, to take you seriously. If she cares about you, then I’m gonna have to accept it and trust her judgment.
“Okay…well, I appreciate your honesty.”
“Just remember what I said. Don’t break her heart, and I won’t have to break your pretty face.”
I swallowed my anger for Soraya’s sake. “I heard you loud and clear the first time you threatened my life, Tig.” If this guy was anyone but Soraya’s best friend, I wouldn’t have taken his shit, but I didn’t need him badmouthing me.
When Tig finished the tattoo, he applied clear tape over it. I couldn’t wait to show Soraya.
Delia came around the corner. “Since you’re getting adventurous, MBP, I’d be happy to pierce something for you while you’re here.”
“Mr. Big Prick.”
“Oh, of course.” I rolled my eyes and threw a wad of cash that was triple the amount I owed on the counter.
She took the money and placed it in the register. “So…cock ring? Whattya say?”
A protective shiver ran down through my dick from shaft to tip. Ouch. “Baby steps, Delia.”