Page 18 of Slippery When Wet
“Abel,” she whispered, and the nerves I’d felt started to melt away.
There was no way she could look at me the way she was without it meaning something. Without it meaning she liked what I’d set up, so I shared something I’d never even talked to Dan about.
“Granger grew up in Chicago. He’s my buddy who owns this place. I guess there was some local bar in his hood that would do these movie nights during the summer for the families who lived in the area. Anyhow, he liked the idea of giving that back to Poppy Beach. He knew how messed up I was and asked if I could help him out. I think he got how lost I felt because he’d been there when he left the Marines himself. How badly I needed something to do.” I shrugged. “So, I painted this and set this whole thing up for him.”
“How didn’t I know this was a thing?”
“He keeps it quiet. It’s more for the families in the area.” She looked at me like she didn’t get it. “Baby, you’re sweet, and I know you were born and raised here, but you also live beachside, and from what I understand, your family’s been well off your entire life.”
“Oh.” I saw her getting what I meant. She looked around to the wall where I had a movie already up and waiting for us. “It’s pretty awesome he would do that,” she whispered, and I knew the moment she caught sight of the swing on the tree branch. “Did you?—“
“Yeah, baby.” Her shy little smile wormed its way through my heart, making me fall deeper in love. Fuck, there wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for her. “Come on.” I tugged on her hand and walked us toward the bed of the truck. I’d never been more grateful for being prepared.
I always carried two duffels back there and a cooler full of drinks. One of the bags had a blanket and a change of clothes in case the weather turned bad while I was on the road. I didn’t travel far nowadays, but it was a hard habit to kill. The other was my gym bag. I’d laid the folded blanket out like a cushion, plus a couple of bottles of water and cans of soda next to them.
“Movie night,” I announced lamely and inwardly winced at myself. Who the hell was I? I never got nervous. But then again, I’d never been with Abby.
“I owe you popcorn, since this was spur of the moment. But if you want, I bet I could pop into the bar and get some pretzels from Granger, if you’re hungry.” This look flitted through her soft features. One of appreciation and surprise. Like she wasn’t used to being treated this way, and call me an asshole, but I really fucking liked it. I wanted to be the one and only motherfucker to bring that look of softness and surprise back time and time again.
“Oh, no, this is… this is perfect,” she whispered. She looked at the tailgate of the truck, then her eyes darted to the ground. Then back up. She chewed on her lower lip. I could see the wheels turning. My princess was tiny, and in those crocs instead of the Chucks she wore that had a platform, she was even smaller.
“I got you.” I moved in slowly, caging her in, and when her eyes widened, my hands were already on her full hips and I lifted her up.
“Oh!” she squeaked adorably. “Thank you.” She blushed, and I winked.
I sat down right next to her, so close our thighs touched. I was done trying to play it cool. She had me, and I wasn’t the kind of man who played games. I’d be damned if I didn’t make sure my intentions were crystal clear. When she looked at me, I didn’t bother asking if it was okay.
Soon enough, she would understand her daddy was bossy as hell when he was in a mood. And I was. I already missed the taste of her mouth and the feel of her lips against mine. My hand found hers, and our fingers tangled together.
“Ready?” I asked. Her eyes darted down to how our hands.
“Yeah,” she breathed when our eyes connected. Good. I winked and turned toward the screen in front of me and hit Play. It was late and midweek. Even for the regulars, there weren’t many cars in the parking lot, and the couple of people who trickled out through the night didn’t pay us any attention. Not that I would have noticed if they had.
My head might have been turned toward the screen, but I was hyperaware of every inhale and exhale she made. Every time she shifted and turned to look at me. Every brush of her shoulder against my arm. And when the movie ended, I turned to look at her. Her head rested against my arm while she slept soundly.
Any other man might have taken offense, but to me it was a gift.
Whether she knew it or not, my princess trusted me to keep her safe.
Asleep or awake.
I woke up feeling the coziest I’d ever felt in my life.
“Hmm,” I sighed before my eyes opened slowly. My brain processed the view in front of me even slower. A wall of rippling muscle and smooth skin with a sprinkling of dark hair lay under my hand. A hand that was stroking one of many abs. My hand froze. A deep groan sounded around me. Deep and manly, it instantly made me wet. Or wetter. I glanced down and shut my eyes. My thigh was tossed over a very masculine, muscular, thick thigh.
And from the looks of it, I had been rubbing myself on it like a cat in heat.
“Morning, princess.” Abel’s voice was even deep when it was scratchy with sleep.
“Morning,” I mumbled softly. The day and night before quickly came tumbling pack.
Going to the pool.
My first kiss. Which I was pretty sure was the World’s Best Kiss known to man.
Lessons to live life wild and free.