Page 109 of The Perils of Patricia
He needed to find his cousin and get to the bottom of everything, but he needed to dress first. Longbottom was nowhere to be found, though.
“Could you help me dress, my love?” he asked her.
“Of course.” She looked down at the robe she was wearing. “Perhaps it’s best if I get dressed as well.”
“We’ll run to your bedchamber next and you can throw something on.”
Tricia then eyed Thomas’s shoulder. “What about that cut?”
“We’ll wrap something around it.”
Tricia nodded and helped her fiancé get dressed, fashioning a makeshift bandage out of an old stocking.
Once Thomas was fully clothed—he found a shirt with sleeves wide enough to accommodate the bandages on his forearms and forewent a suit coat—he and Tricia left his bedchamber. He grabbed the first servant he saw.
“Where is Mr. Longbottom?” Thomas asked.
The servant widened his eyes. “I don’t know. Isn’t he in your chamber?”
“I wouldn’t have asked you that question if he were.”
Tricia nudged him. “Thomas, control yourself.”
Thomas drew in a deep breath. She consoled him. Softened him. Brought him back down to earth.
“Please see if you can find him,” Thomas said evenly. “The future countess and I shall be in her chamber. Please find us when you locate Longbottom.”
“Of course, my lord. I’m sure I shall find him shortly.” The servant sauntered off.
Thomas turned to Tricia. “Let us run to your chamber. We can put you in a dress.”
Once they reached Tricia’s bedchamber—her mother and Kat were not around, thank God—she quickly stripped off the robe and slipped into a lavender morning dress. Before they could leave, there was a knock on the door.
Thomas opened the door, and there stood the servant they had just talked to.
“My lord,” he said. “A stable boy found Mr. Longbottom.”
“Is he all right?”
“Foxed,” the servant said.
“Foxed?” Thomas shook his head. “The man doesn’t even imbibe.”
“Apparently he did today, my lord.”
“Someone must have forced him out of my chamber and made him drink,” Thomas said. “Find the physician. He’s needed in my bedchamber. I want to see Jonathan Jameson, Lord Victor Polk, and Viscount Polk right away. I’ll see them in the men’s retiring room, since my study is not an option.”
Tricia squeezed his arm. “Thomas, please. You’re still recovering.”
He shook his head. “I have stamina for this, my love. Trust me on that one.” He sighed. “Tonight will be the last dinner of the house party, and the guests will leave tomorrow. By then, Jonathan will have found out what happened to Montague and will disappear. I want to find him and get his story before he has the chance to do so.”
Tricia frowned and gazed at the beautiful ring, which thankfully had not slipped off in all the struggle that had occurred in the earl’s bedchamber. She took a deep breath in and sighed. “I understand, my love. But please be careful. Neither of us has any idea of how deranged your cousin may be.”
He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I am aware, my angel. Have no fear. I will see you as my countess. Make no mistake about that.”
“What did you use?” Thomas asked Jonathan. “What did you use to poison my father?”
Jonathan blinked several times. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”