Page 6 of The Hand Surgeon's Housewife
“I don’t want you to touch me.”
It doesn’t belong to him.
Raymond lets out a laugh before his eyes harden. ”Stop fucking acting innocent. I’m getting sick of you always playing hard to get.” He yanks at his collar, saliva forming at the corner of his lips.”And it’s about time you let me fuck that virginity out of you.”
His face twists with anger, and he grabs my leg, his fingers digging into my skin. Panic surges through me as I struggle against his grip. The room blurs around me as I fight to break free, my breath coming in frantic gasps.
”Raymond, stop!” I cry.
”You stop!” he snarls. ”You think I don’t know what a little slut you are? Alway puckering your lips at me, always prancing around with your perky tits in the air, tempting me to lose control. Think I don’t see you for what you are?”
With a burst of adrenaline, I manage to wrench myself out of his grasp, stumbling off the bed and darting for the door. My heart pounds in my ears as I fling it open and run out of the bedroom, my mind screaming for escape.
I slam out of my bedroom, the apartment blurring around me as I sprint toward the front door. My heart is pounding, fear driving me faster. But just as I reach the door, Raymond cuts through the living room, blocking my exit with a menacing grin.
”Not so fast,” he leers. ”You’re my little whore, remember?.”
I whirl around, my mind racing for another way out. I spot the fire escape and dash towards it, slipping slightly on the hardwood floor. I fling the window open and start climbing up, my breath coming in frantic gasps.
Raymond’s hand clamps around my ankle, his face twisted in anger. “Get back here, you bitch!” he spits, his grip tightening painfully.
Desperation fuels me, and I manage to kick his hand away, scrambling up the fire escape ladder. I don’t look back as I climb, my fear pushing me forward until I reach the roof. The wind howls around me, ripping at my nightgown and sending chills through my body. I’m trembling, my fear tasting like wet tears on my tongue.
Seconds later, Raymond bursts onto the roof, his eyes wild with fury. I scream silently, my throat too tight to produce sound.
“All I ever wanted was to love you,” he snarls, stalking toward me.
I back away, feeling the rough surface of the roof edge behind me. A glance downward sends a wave of vertigo crashing over me. “Raymond, please…” I plead, my voice a thin, desperate whisper.
“And now I realize that you’ve never loved me. That it was all a lie. After everything I’ve done for you,” he growls, his hands reaching for me. “And you still think you don’t owe me anything in return…”
My eyes close involuntarily, my mind detaching from my body as I brace for his touch. But then, a furious growl pierces the air, and my eyes snap open. Hugo races across the roof, his face a mask of rage. He yanks Raymond away from me with a force that nearly snaps Raymond’s neck.
Relief floods through me, and I burst into tears, watching through my tears as Hugo grabs Raymond by the collar. With a primal roar, he hauls Raymond to the edge and without hesitation, he drops him from the roof.
Raymond’s scream echoes in my ears, a chilling wail that seems to hang in the air long after his body has hit the concrete. Stricken, I stare at Hugo, my vision blurred by tears. His chest heaves with exertion, the wind whipping his hair around his face, making him seem almost otherworldly.
”H…Hugo…,” I pant, sagging.
“Nobody will know,” he rasps, his voice cutting through the chaos in my mind. “This will be our little secret.”
Tears well up in my eyes, blurring my vision. “How did you…?” I begin, my voice just a whisper.
“Shush,” Hugo interrupts gently. “Everything will be fine.”
He reaches for me, but I instinctively wince, my body recoiling from a man’s touch. Hugo’s hand freezes in midair, and I see a muscle clench in his jaw. He nods slowly, lowering his hand. “I won’t touch you,” he murmurs, his voice low and soothing. “Not until you want me to.”
My lower lip trembles, and I feel the weight of the situation pressing down on my chest.
Hugo’s eyes soften as he watches me, concern etched across his features. “Can I give you my jacket at least?” he asks gently. “You’re shivering.”
I nod tentatively, and he wraps his jacket around my shoulders. The warmth and weight of it envelop me, providing a small measure of comfort against the cold wind. The fabric smells faintly of him, a mix of antiseptic and something distinctly male. It’s grounding, reassuring.
But I’m still so cold. And I don’t know what to do, how to cope.
“I’ll take care of everything,” Hugo promises, his eyes locked onto mine and I think I’d believe anything that man says. “Will you let me?”
I nod, my mind too overwhelmed to decline the offer. The world seems to spin, the events of the night crashing down in a dizzying wave. The last thing I see is Hugo’s worried face before darkness consumes me and I pass out.