Page 102 of Scoring Chances
I take in a deep breath. And look over at her. My mom. The woman who raised me all on her own because she thought that's what she needed to do at her young age.
I hope when I'm her age, I don't have regrets like she does. I hope that I can look back at my life and appreciate all the good, the bad, the beautiful and the raw.
One thing I know for sure… is that I'll never regret loving fully.
"Thank you for telling me your story, Mom."
She looks at me. "Thank you for listening."
"You ready to officially meet your grandkids?"
She smiles and a tear trickles down her cheek. "More than you know, baby."
Chapter 30
It’s crazy how fast a semester can flash before your eyes. Just a few months back I was wondering how I would get through my first semester at UH.
Going from a community college to a big university was a huge step.
Especially since I no longer had the cushion of the money I would’ve earned over the summer helping Joshua. I had to start building my savings from scratch.
That money is long gone. And so is the person who demanded it from me in exchange for my silence. It was a small price to pay to ensure Joshua and the kids were not harmed.
That was all I cared about.
Joshua and the kids are off on a new adventure. And I’m here in Houston on an adventure of my own.
The first time living on my own, officially.
I think about them all the time. I send prayers up for them. That wherever they find themselves that they’re safe and they’re happy.
My time with that family gave me so much perspective on life and what I want for my future.
Class gets dismissed just as a text comes through.
My love
“You ready?”
Almost. Give me five minutes and I’ll be home. Just leaving class.
My love
I power walk to the apartment I currently share with Lillian. She’s not home. She’s out with Eddie like she is most nights when he comes to visit from Singapore.
It leaves the place empty just for me. The quiet solace I've always looked forward to.
Ok, I'm here.
My love