Page 85 of Offensive Plays
"Do I look like I want a woman to do all those things? I live with my teammates. I travel over fifty times a year. What makes you think I want any of that?"
"You... deserve better,” she says solemnly.
"I want you, Libby. And if you think for one moment that I'm going to let you just walk out that door without letting you know exactly what I mean, then yes, you're the ridiculous one."
I place a hand on the back of her neck and pull her toward me. My eyes watch as she gently licks her lips. "You're going to stop talking now," I growl out. "Because I'm going to kiss you."
Air escapes her lungs as I pull her to me. Our lips meet and there’s a brokenness in our kiss. Something is not right.
The fact that she thinks she wouldn't be welcome into my family has me pissed off. It’s not up to them. I look at her, holding her close to my chest. “Libby, we were friends before. My mom loved you."
"Until she didn't," she says matter of factly. "And there's no changing that. You love your family, Michael. I could never ask you to choose between them or me."
“Why would I have to? Anyone I want to be with, they’ll just need to accept.”
She shakes her head and pushes away from me. “It’s not that easy.”
“Because you’re concerned with what everyone will think?”
“Then why, Libby? Because I’m genuinely confused why we can’t make this work. We… care about each other. That’s all that should matter.”
She’s struggling with something. And she won’t tell me. She turns away from me and places her face in her hand, her shoulders shaking.
“Libby,” I whisper, turning her toward me. “Baby.”
I fold my body over her and hold her. My stupid padding creating a barrier between my body and hers. But I can’t let her go. I need her to be ok.
“I’m late,” she cries into my chest.
I don’t understand what she means at first. But I hold her out by the shoulders to get a good look at her.
“It’s only a few days,” she says. “But I just know.”
My mind does a quick countdown of that first time we made love in Vegas. It was a little over two weeks ago. Can it happen that fast?
“Have you taken a test?” I ask her.
She shakes her head. “I’m too scared. What if it’s too early.”
“Ok… that’s okay,” I breathe out. “Let’s go get you some. I’m going to get dressed and you and I will go get some tests. Okay? Wait for me in the press room.”
She gulps and nods.
“Michael… I can’t have a baby right now.”
Her words are like pouring an ice bucket over my beating heart.
“Libby, let’s just see. Okay. This is good. It’s a good thing,” I assure her. “Just wait for me.”
I kiss her on the forehead and she gives me a weak nod.
We part ways and I hurry to get back to the locker room to change. I walk in just as Coach Murray is walking out. “Ferguson. Where’d you go?”
“I just had to take care of something, Coach.”