Page 42 of Offensive Plays
Landry thinks for a second. "Dare!"
"Of course," Hicks says.
"I dare tell us who your crush is!" Kesley says, pleased with herself.
"She can't do that," Hicks protests. "Wait, can she?"
"Leave it up to Kesley to find the loophole in the game," Libby says. "House rules Landry. You gotta answer."
"Easy," Landry says. "Lucy Hale."
"You can't pick a celebrity," Kesley insists.
"Why not? Technically, we're celebrities."
"Wait, whose Lucy Hale?" Zane asks.
"She's that cute actress with the pretty doe eyes, short dark hair, supple lips. She was in Pretty Little Liars," Kesley says.
"And The Hating Game?" I offer.
"Oh! Yeah, the one that looks like Rina," Zane says casually.
Landry stares blankly at his teammate.
Zane, clueless, says, "What?"
"Ok, Kee, your turn to spin," Ryker says.
The game continues for a few more rounds. The dares get a little outlandish, like running into the rain and howling for a full minute. Luckily, Hicks was down for that challenge.
Finally, Hicks lands on Libby. And dares her to kiss someone on the lips. Considering Zane is her brother. Ryker’s long since gone up to accompany Izzy. That would leave Hicks, Landry and... me.
"Seriously, Hicks? You're the one who said no kissing," I say.
"Unless dared," he clarifies.
"I'll allow it," Landry interjects.
"Whose it going to be?" Kesley asks her.
She rules out the obvious ones.
"And not you, Hicks; you kissed Kesley once, so that's just weird."
"What, she kissed me!"
Zane tilts his head menacingly at Hicks and says, "2018."
"Well, Fergie's your ex's brother," Zane says. "So naturally, he's out."
Libby clears her throat.
"Fine." She gets up and stalks over to Landry and quickly pecks him on the lips before returning to her place next to Kesley.
"Welp, I think that was everyone," Landry says like the girl of my dreams didn't just walk up to him and kiss him in front of everyone.
A peck, sure. But she just did it. No questions asked.