Page 40 of Offensive Plays
"I-I'm...going to bed," Izzy announces. "Sorry guys, I can barely keep my eyes open. Nugget’s zapping all my energy these days."
"I'll come with you," Ryker says, moving to rise from his seat next to her.
"No stay," she insists, touching his chest. "Have fun with your boys."
"I'll be up in a little bit then." They kiss, and the exchange is so sweet that I feel something moving in my chest.
I didn't realize how badly I wanted that for myself. I catch Libby looking at me before she looks at Izzy and her belly going up the stairs.
"Night, Iz. Alright, everyone knows how this works, right?" Landry starts.
"Yes, Your Royal Highness," Libby says. "Who doesn't know truth or dare?"
"Ok, but House Rules," I add.
"House rules!" Landry and Hicks both bark out.
"Wait, what are house rules?" Zane asks. "I'm scared."
"You should be," Ryker says next to him.
"OK, house rules. Hicks, would you do us the honors," Landry points to Hicks, who is currently downing his beer.
Hicks pops up from his place on the floor and holds the beer bottle up. "Rrrrrule number one," he says, rolling the R theatrically. "If the bottle lands on you, you must play. No forfeiting."
"Here, here," a few of us say.
Kesley and Libby exchange a look before laughing amongst themselves.
"I thought we weren't playing spin the bottle," Libby quips.
"The bottle is just to keep things random. There will be no kissing. Unless, of course, it's dared. Not that I'm suggesting that there should be. Rather, I'm just stating—“
"Ok, Hicks," Landry says, almost bored. "Rule number two."
"Rrrrrule number two," Hicks continues. "You can only choose the same option twice in a row before you must select the second option."
"Wait," Kesley protests. "That's not fair. You’re taking away our autonomy.”
"House rules are house rules," Landry says with finality.
"Rrrrrule number three: The game isn't over until everyone has had a turn to answer. Aye?"
"Aye!" almost everyone replies.
"Aye," Libby says last and less enthusiastically.
"Rule number four—don't be a downer, Libby," Hicks says in his normal voice.
Libby sticks her tongue out at him before smirking. God, even being a brat, she's so fucking gorgeous.
"Alright," Landry takes over again. "Fergie, since it was your idea to play. Would you give us the honor of kicking things off?"
Hicks turns to me and presents the now empty beer bottle as if it were Excalibur.
"It would be my highest honor," I say with a hand to my chest before taking the bottle. "But we should probably move the coffee table first.”
"On it," Zane says as he releases his hold on his wife to help Ryker move the table.