Page 107 of Offensive Plays
“Always,” I tell him.
Chapter 34
The sun shining on my face is the first clue that I must’ve passed out cold last night.
My last memory was Zane being in the room. I told him to give me the play by play of Liam’s first official hockey game. And he did. I guess I just needed to hear my brother’s voice to be able to finally sleep.
I bolt up and see Michael on the reading chair in the corner of our bedroom. The lamp is on and a book is facedown on the floor.
I slide out noting that I’m wearing pajamas and not the dress I came home in. When I walk up to him, I shut the lamp off and slip a blanket over him.
Then, bending down to pick up the book I see the words on the cover.
So you’re going to be a dad? A man’s guide to caring for his family.
I look at the name of the author…Dan Ferguson.
His dad.
If Michael is anything like his dad, then I know he’s going to be great.
I flip through the pages. The book fell open to a page about easing the load on his wife while she’s carrying the child and beyond.
Never stop believing the best for her. That line is highlighted.
I look up from the book and see Michael smiling.
“Jesus!” I jump back.
He chuckles reaching for me. “Come here.”
He pats his lap and I set the book down on the table and curl into him.
“How are you feeling?” His voice is raspy.
“Pretty shitty,” I admit.
He cracks his neck, “Same here.”
His lips graze my shoulder.
“Are we going to talk about what happened yesterday?”
He shakes his head. “Not unless you want to.”
“I would’ve told you everything… if I could have,” I tell him softly.
“I know that, baby. But that’s not on you. That should’ve never happened to you.”
I nod. “I know.”
He pushes my hair off my shoulders and caresses my arm. “What now?”
“Well, you have a game tonight,” I say, grinning.