Page 93 of Pucked Together
She closes her eyes tightly. And I pray that giving her this is just what she needs.
I drop my hand and give her the phone. She takes it and looks up at me.
"Are you sure about this?"
I nod. "I'll be in the library if you need me."
And I walk out, leaving her with access to my entire life as I shut the door behind me.
The fireplace is on in the library, and I see the glow of my laptop screen before I switch on the lights.
"Look at this!" he says, standing up and turning my laptop around.
"Read it, you idiot."
I read the text on the screen. "In the case of Mueller v. Hendrix, a son was convicted of arson against the family home. Due to his age, he was tried as an adult. Twenty years later, further evidence proved that the father, Hendrix, had instigated the event in order to collect insurance money."
What the hell?
"Keep reading," he says, holding the laptop with one arm as his fingers play with the stubble on his chin.
"With the help of exoneration attorney Maureen Fisher, the case was re-opened, and Mueller was exonerated. The plaintiff received the original sentence with added charges for lying in a federal court."
I look at my brother. Hope fills his eyes.
"Is this what you want? To hire this lawyer?"
"Ry, we haven't seen our mom because of this asshole. This case right here," he points to the pages. "This changes everything."
"Insurance money?" I ask.
"It makes sense. All he needed to do was pay off one of the drunks from the bar he used to frequent to be a witness."
"Says here she's based out of Dallas."
"The lawyer, right? What's done is done. And I don't regret the choice I made to take your place, Ry. But if this is how we get her back. It's worth a try."
"We'll call the lawyer first thing in the morning." I nod, tentatively sharing his enthusiasm.
He slaps my shoulder and sets the laptop down.
"Looks like you got company," he says, tilting his head toward the door before brushing past her. "Night, Iz."
Goodnight, Rowan," she whispers to him.
"That was fast," I say to her as I move toward the couch.
She tosses the phone at me.
“Can we talk?”
I nod and motion to the couch behind me. ”Sit down, Iz."