Page 58 of Pucked Together
My sister senses are tingling. But I don't know if I dare ask my new boss the question that's bubbling up in my chest. I'll have to wait to word vomit my thoughts on Keelan later when he's alone.
But...there's no harm in baiting.
"How's it been for you? Taking over after the last PR stink fest?"
"Ugh," Rina leans back, already exhausted by the thought. She crosses one long leg over the other, causing her dress to hitch up.
A few of the guys are looking our way as they chat. Ryker and Keelan among them.
"It's been an absolute shitshow. I mean, the man left the team a wreck media-wise. To have to come in and clean up his mess. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Not to mention, he was an absolute pig." She whispers that last part.
At work, Rina is all business. But here, with her hair down, she seems almost friendly. I feel comfortable going in for the kill.
"Isn't it annoying how guys can get away with being dicks for so long just because, well, they have dicks," Rina continues.
"We live in an unjust world. Our only retribution being that we get the eye candy that is the Houston Heatwave to look at all day. Is it tough working with such a hot group of guys all day, every day?" I smile.
Rina stops mid-sip and looks over at me. Shit. I said something crass. I knew it was too much.
"Considering it's my job to avoid a PR disaster, I'm not going to answer that the way I'd like."
"Off the record?" I say.
"Off the record...I have my moments that I enjoy the view," she smirks, and we're back to let-loose Rina.
"Anyone of them in particular?" I push again.
Rina and Keelan are making eye contact from across the room. I can feel the palpable energy between them.
Am I the only one who sees this?
Ryker's voice from last week comes to mind.
"Don't worry about Rina," he said.
Why would he say that unless he...
He knows something!
Oooh, this is going to be good. Keelan is so high and mighty. I'm about to find out what's really going down.
"I prefer to stay out of trouble when it comes to the team. You, on the other hand. You just jumped right in with both feet, didn't you?"
Ok, now she's turning it back on me. I'll bite, Rina Lopez.
"Can you blame me? Ryker's..." Annoying. Intimidating. An absolute god of a man.
"Something." She finishes for me.
The man is sitting with a few guys at a pub table. He's drinking his water and glaring at me while the others are slamming shots.
"Yeah, he's definitely something,” I say.
"Doesn't help that you're living in the same house, too. That's gotta be wild for a new relationship."
"It's temporary," I assure her. "Just 'til I get back on my feet. Besides, he has a place. It's just under renovation for now."