Page 47 of Savage
While Sandie, Cletus, and Loretta were still behind bars, Loretta’s backward brothers weren’t, nor were their sons. Chevy and Floyd had helped Loretta kill men for years before Cletus stepped up to the plate. Loretta seduced them, and then Chevy and Floyd had come along and killed and robbed them blind. There hadn’t been enough evidence to prosecute them, so they’d walked. It had made me sick, but again, Earle didn’t want revenge.
Worse, Chevy and Floyd knew what Loretta and Cletus were doing to Earle and had allowed it.
Well, I had taught them a lesson in Earle’s name. And I’d put their three dirty, stinking sons in the ground, too. They were no better than their fathers. The whole family line needed wiping out, and I was the last one standing now, other than those in jail. Who, again, were protected until Earle passed on. Then I’d get them.
Everyone was flying home in the morning. Getting out of this shit show town. I hoped I’d never have to return.
My thoughts turned to Grace. She had stayed close to the hotel today, knowing we had stuff to do. I’d seen questions in her eyes, but she never asked them, and that’s when I knew Grace was genuinely the one for me. Grace was fully prepared to accept my dark side without questioning it. She couldn’t be any more perfect.
Drake walked beside me as we headed for the SUV. The bikes would have been noticeable, but not the SUV.
There were still people I wanted to rain hate upon, but they weren’t worth it. The half of town who’d punished me for Sandie and Loretta’s sins would find their judgment before God. There wasn’t enough time remaining to get revenge on everybody. So, I decided to leave the hate and despair behind once I left, too. This place caused those feelings, so this is where they belonged. Fuck the lot of them.
Drake did not say anything, but he sensed that I felt lighter. I was freer than ever before, and the look of approval he offered me when we arrived at the hotel spoke volumes. I’d exorcised my ghosts.
Grace was waiting in the bar when we arrived, and she smiled and held out her hand at spotting me. I gripped it tightly as Drake joined us in a booth.
Jett was also present.
“Harley is babysitting,” Grace said with a grin.
“Harley’s such a good little bitch. You trained him well,” Jett teased Drake.
“Jett, don’t make me force you to remember your prospect days,” Drake warned, and Jett pulled a face.
“Yeah, I had it worse than Harley. Phoe has done what you asked. There’s a party ready for when we get home.”
“Another?” Grace exclaimed.
“Yeah, you have to attend this one, Grace,” Drake ordered, and I looked up.
“Because it’s not every day your man gets his full colours,” Drake said with a grin, and I sat up straight.
“Vote was last week, Savage, but after the shit you’ve gone through, it’s time. We’re only gonna have Wild, Cowboy, Carmine, Tye, and Harley left as prospects,” Drake explained. “Savage, you all served your time and more. But you never bitched, you just kept going. Shows me that the brotherhood meant more to you than status. Proves all of you who were waiting knew the real meaning of Rage and what family signifies. Can’t be prouder to call you brother, Savage, or to walk beside you. Should have waited till we got home to tell you, but I thought you needed some good news.”
“Thanks, man, it means everything,” I said. I’d worked fuckin’ hard for this.
Grace squeezed my leg in happiness, and her smile reflected her pride in me. We were swiftly moving forward for two people who had been completely in agreement we didn’t want a relationship.
“Tomorrow night, when we get home, we need a babysitter,” I murmured in her ear. Grace perked up, and then her face fell.
“I don’t know who to trust,” she whispered back.
“Nancy. That way, you’re right next door if you’re needed,” I replied. Grace sent me a grateful look, then whipped her phone out and began texting Nancy.
Oh yeah, tomorrow.
“Savage,” I breathed as he slammed me against the wall. We’d been home an hour and settled the girls at Nancy’s, who had beamed all over her face.
“Grace,” Savage rumbled against my mouth as his hand swarmed my body. It was a little awkward with his broken arm, but Savage wasn’t letting it hold us back. The moment my front door shut, he’d pinned and kissed me silly.
We were trying to get upstairs now but were too busy tearing each other’s clothes off.