Page 21 of Savage
“This is Willow Rivers Care Home, Lettie speaking. I’m a care nurse here. I’m calling to inform you that Mr Sawyer had a fall today. We’ve had the doctor in, and Mr Sawyer has sprained his wrist.”
“How is he?” I demanded with urgency.
“Mr Sawyer is a little shocked but could explain what happened. It was an accident, Mr Walker. Mr Sawyer tripped over his slippers. He does have a bump on his head but no concussion. However, he is upset.”
“I’ll call him.”
“Would you mind?”
“Of course not. Does my uncle require anything else?”
“No, but Mr Sawyer is counting the days to your next visit. He says it’s your annual shopping trip,” Lettie said.
“Yeah, a carer usually comes with us. Has one been arranged as we leave town for the weekend? My uncle does not need to see that shitshow,” I growled out.
“Yes, everything has been booked, and a carer will be available.”
“Great. Let my uncle know I will phone soon, and thank you. If you’re his new permanent carer, let me know if he needs anything, and I mean anything. That man is a damn hero, and he doesn’t go without, hear me?”
“Yes, Mr Walker, I do. If Mr Sawyer needs anything, I’ll let you know immediately.”
“Thank you, Lettie,” I said and cut the call. I took a couple of deep breaths and then picked up the phone to speak to my uncle.
He was the only person alive I’d burn in hell for, apart from my Rage MC family. Nobody else came close. But my uncle was a fuckin’ hero despite how the town treated him.
We both came from filth, and one of us rose above it and risked everything. However, I was the one who ran away and hid, being a coward.
I didn’t understand why my uncle insisted on living where he did. I’d offered to bring him with me many times, but he said he was born in that town and would die there. He just wanted a simple life.
Well, I thought bitterly, my family had ensured he had one. Anger burned through my veins, and I clenched the wrench I held in my fist.
Killing them in cold blood did not phase me. Some might be behind bars, but others were free. When it was time, I’d move on them. The only reason I hadn’t was because of my uncle. He wanted no more bloodshed, whereas I was only too happy to spill it, especially where he was concerned.
I stared at the garage wall as I tried to get my emotions under control.
Every time my family was mentioned, they spiralled. Even seeing their names in newspapers set me off. People had looked for me, but I had hidden my trail too well. They’d never link me to the boy I’d once been. Not now. Not ever.
Chapter Five.
I’d gone to find Isla as soon as I noticed she was missing. Instead, I overheard a conversation between her and Savage that I think he would have hated me knowing. The pain in Savage’s voice as he spoke of his past gave me pause. I wasn’t the only one hurting or with a bad past. I felt a momentary bond with Savage, which faded as I saw the look on his face. As dark as my history was, I sensed Savage’s was darker, and I didn’t want to intrude.
Isla had already hurried home, not seeing me behind the bush that separated our homes, so I crept away.
Harper chattered to herself when I arrived back, having not noticed my absence, and I smiled. My daughter loved gardening—something she didn’t get from me or her father. Honestly, I killed everything I attempted to grow, but Harper was determined to try.
Isla sat on the steps observing quietly, which was her usual demeanour now. The days when Isla used to run around like a loon were long gone.
It didn’t matter how often I tried to reassure them; Garry and Lin had permanently changed my girls’ happy-go-lucky personalities. Seeing how quiet they were and always checking before doing something killed me. That was another thing I was working hard on, getting them back to using their initiative in certain situations.
Then again, Garry and Lin had worked their nasty kind of magic on the girls for several years. Time was needed, and I understood that. But I yearned for the days of happy, playing children. You didn’t realise how much it meant until something like that was taken from you.
Viciously, I kicked a lump of soil, anger at Garry rising, and laughed when it shattered and covered Harper with debris.
Harper turned with her mouth open in outrage, and I kept laughing at her expression. I picked up another soft clump and crumbled it in my hands before throwing that over Harper.